Chapter 11

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"A ring? I guess that's what it was. What does it do?" Shirgaraki sounded puzzled. I look around the ring and examine it even more. "It feels like some sort of quirk enhancer." I was sceptical, yet I knew I was right. "Feels?" Obviously Shirgaraki didn't understand. "I have it on right now and it's like I'm on an adrenaline rush right now. It's like I've been storing my energy this whole time and now it's being released. Overall it feel great." Shirgaraki hums. "Anyway, I'm going to get the rest of the day off. The boss said that it's a gift for being so hard working~" I sing to the phone. "Yeah. I know that. He told me at beforehand. See you tomorrow." And with that, crusty dusty musty hung up on me. "He didn't even say goodbye! What a jerk!" I then headed back to the hotel from before and plop on the bed. This ring was so fasinating I couldn't take my eyes of it. It was beautiful and perfect.

The beauty of it was overwhelming

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The beauty of it was overwhelming. I was stuck in a trance. It was like I was hipnotized. It drew me in and never let me go. It was like it was meant for me. The neon green and the light purple reminded me of the two of us. He always loved green to the point that I thought he dyed his hair before I meant his mom. I giggle. So who will use this ring? Will it be me? I don't really want to take it off.

Then a sharp pain goes through my chest. I couldn't scream or cry out. It hurt so much! You could see green and light purple vains going down my arm from the ring. My mouth was open, but nothing came out. The pain was so unbarring and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Finally the vains got to my neck and I braced myself for the pain, but instead I felt even better then before. I jump up, the pain now gone. What the hell was that! Why did it hurt so- "Hello." A soft voice spoke, making my head shoot up.

It was myself. I didn't activate my quirk though. How is this happening. I look around for anyone that might be hiding. "I'm not a real figure, I am only a projection. You seem lost on the path of life. Kai, are you okay?" She talked again. I smirked and leaned back a bit. "Lost on the path of life?" I've heard that before, yet it doesn't apply to me. I know what I'm doing." Her head tilted. "Then why do it? You know this is bad. Your hurting Izuku. Isn't he our frie-" I clench my fist. "He's your friend. He's not my friend until he at least apologizes. You can act all happy and angelic if you want, but he created this. He created the separation of the two of us. We aren't the same person. We're polar opposites. Understand that and leave." I growl.

"My name is Sho, yet your name is Kai. Our name is Shokai, is it not? We are the same. You just keep pushing me away and dening my feelings and are only following you own. You know you don't want to kill or hurt anyone." Then she walked forward, getting in my face. "You know what your doing is wrong! So stop! Stop it now before it's too late! He'll never forgive you if you keep tormenting him and his friends! You need to help him, not hinder!" I pushed her away, got in her face, and started laughing.

"You remember how this started, right?! This started when your dumb feelings got in the way of reality and you decided that it would be an amazing idea to fall off a fucking building! We almost died because of your dumb crush on this stupid, selfish, easily jellous, piece of shit! He told you to fix your existence and to give up on becoming a hero! Even know he was the one who told us we would be heroes together! Are you that dense to not be able to see your dumb decisions and judge others by theirs! You never have the right judgment! He said to fix yourself and WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO! YOU JUMPED OFF A FUCKING ROOF! So of course I'm gonna push you away, because the last time I didn't, you almost killed us! So shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my head god damnit!" She was still there.

Her hand reached up to my face and wiped my eye. She showed me a tear. I slapped her hand away. "Kai you don't understand! Izuku would do anything for his friends! He wou-" I gritted my teeth. "Then where was he when we needed him?" I spoke quietly. "What?" My eye twitched. "WHERE WAS HE WHEN WE NEEDED HIM! YOU ALWAYS FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THE REAL SITUATION. YOU ALWAYS LOOK FOR AN EASY WAY OUT! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT IN LIFE EVERYONE WILL TURN ON YOU AT SOME POINT! WHETHER IT BE BY DEATH OF JUST PLAIN BETRYAL! OUR PARENTS DIED AND THEIR KILLERS WEREN'T EVEN CAUGHT! EVEN IF IT MEANS THAT I HAVE TO FIGHT YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY, I'LL KILL THOSE BASTARDS! THEY'RE THE REAL REASON FOR OUR SUFFERING. I'LL KILL THEM, EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" I felt enraged. I had never yelled so much in my life and I was talking to my other half.

Her head hung low. "Tell me, do you remember when it was Izuku's 10th birthday party?" She questioned. "Of course. The two of us and Izuku spent the whole day together and it was just the two of us. We went to the mall, video game stores, and then to a hotel his mom rented." I didn't understand why she asked that.

"You don't know. Your path is a terrible one. Soon you'll be fully consumed by darkness and become a full time villain. Even after he apologizes. Or better yet, if he apologizes." My eyes widened. "What do you mean "if"? He'll apologize. I know it." I say. Her eyebrows furrow. "And how will that happen? While he pleads for Ochako's life?" Her fists clench. "You said that you were willing to do anything if it meant he apologizes. What exactly does 'anything' mean to you?" Then she faded away.

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