Chapter 10

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The day came where I needed to get this object that boss wanted. I take a shower, get my dress on, put my make up on,

 I take a shower, get my dress on, put my make up on,

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put on my gloves,

and walk out the hotel room

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and walk out the hotel room. I was strutting down those halls like the absolute queen I am. The party wasn't far, but that didn't mean I was gonna walk to this place. I called an uber and we made our way to this party.

There was a lot of people here. You could already smell the sent of alcohol. It didn't really bother me too much. I walked to one of the chairs and asked for a glass of wine. I listened in on some of the conversations going on in this place. I didn't hear anything suspicious about this object. All For One told me that it would be hidden in the basement. I have an idea. I made my way over to the host of the party. "Mr. Kaya, maybe you haven't heard of me," I put my hands on his shoulders. "but I'm Shisu Agamichi and you look amazing and I'd love to see what's under all that." I drag my hands down to his waist. You see, seduction is one of my strong suits. Anyone and everyone would fall for it. He smirks and tilts my head up to look him in the eyes. His eyes were filled with lust. Disgusting. Doesn't he have a wife? I grab his hand and drag with to the door to the down stairs. "Why are we going down there?" I look at him. "So no one hears us. You know, I might be 24, but I'm still a virgin. I might be a loud one." He takes out a key from his pocket and unlocks the door. I smirk this time. "Shall we?" He motions for me to go downstairs and I start walking. The plan was simple. I seduce him into taking me downstairs, I knock him out, I get this item, and then I leave. Simple. He took me to a room that looked like an actual bedroom. In the basement though? Then he turned me around and before he could kiss me I kicked him in the side of the face.

"What the hell!" I looked down at him in disgust. "Alright, I'll cut to the chase. Where is it?" He looks glares at me. I'm not telling you shi-" I kick him in his face again. "Shit!" He yelled. "You best stop shouting. No one's gonna hear you even if I kill you." He went eye wide. "Just tell me where it is and you can get out of here unscathed." I sit on the bed near by. I could see that he was stressed. "I'm growing impatient." I quickly stand and walk over to him, kicking him again. "I won't tell you anything! That is my families heirloom! Something that won't be given up until I die!" He basically lectured me and I HATE lectures. "Fine then. I hope that's what Aianna will say before a bullet goes through her head." I smirk at his reaction. "Don't bring her into this!" I raise an eyebrow then laugh. "She's been in this ever since we came down here! You wanted to have sex with a 15 year old! Isn't she your 'faithful' wife!" His irises were shaking as I took out the gun that was hidden in the nightstand and pointed it at his forehead. "So Mr. Kaya, is it gonna be you and you wife and kids or the treasure? Chose wisely." I smile at him. "What? You said it was gonna be me or Aianna! Not the kids!" I laughed. "Oh! Your right! I completely forgot. Angilo, Akane, and Kyro will die. It could be slow and painful or fast and painless. Who knows what I'll chose." In reality, I'm against killing kids. So, of course I wouldn't really kill them. It's a mear threat. But, I might kill him and his wife.

His head falls. "Made your choice yet?" He looks back at me. "Fuck off." I hum. "Well that's unfortunate, isn't it." I then shoot his right leg. He screams. "Shhhhh! Be quiet! You'll scare the dust away!" I then shoot his other leg, making him shout louder. "Just tell me where it is and I'll end your suffering." He sounded like he was trying to talk. "The fourth room that me passed." He whimpered. I laugh. "Thank you, Mr. Kaya!" Then I shoot a bullet though his head. His head felt limp to the ground. The fourth room. I open the door and walk up to the fourth room. When I opennit it's full of guards. They all pointed their guns at me. "This mother fucker didn't." I say before shots were fired.

I, luckily, brought the gun from before with me, yet, I don't know how much ammo is in it. This is bad. I take one two by using Inosuke's fighting technique. That being, staying low. I took out another two with the gun and then I was shot. "Shit!" I was stressed now and that shit hurt like hell. I could still use my arm though. I then got a head shot on the guy that shot me. That was the last of them, but they could've asked for backup. I hurried into the little door that looked like a doggy door and hid in there. Then I heard people come into the room I was in before. "They said she was some kind of assassin. But where is she?" These guards are dumb as hell. "Usually assassin's can get away with anything. They usually come to kill people then they leave. Maybe she already killed who she needed to and left, but where could see have gone?" One of the guards had a little too much brains, but couldn't do anything about it. "Well, she couldn't have gone far, right?" One of the men asked. My arm just never stopped bleeding. This is gonna hurt when Kirogiri cleans this wound. Then I hear them walk out and take a deep breath.

Then the lights turn on. YOU HAVE TO BE KID- oh. I saw a glass container in the middle of the room it wasn't clear though. It was fogged up. I got up. So he wasn't lying! Thank the lord! I then looked around for any security cameras. When I saw none, I started walking towards the container. I took the gun from before and smashed the glass. Some of the glass him my skin, which resulted in me wincing at the added pain. There stood a single ring. I sighed. I almost died over a small ass ring. I picked it up and imedently dropped it back on the little platform. What the hell was that. As soon as I picked it up, I felt this crazy surge of energy! I guess this isn't just a ring. I picked it back up and put it on. I felt the energy build up from inside me. I felt amazing. I laughed. "Oh, Izuku. You fucked up terribly." I smirked as I examined the ring. I felt unstoppable with this on. Then I noticed that my arm didn't hurt anymore. I looked at it and it was healed. I laughed again. "I won't hit you with this. No, no Izuku! This is for Ochako." My eyes were crimson red, no golden anymore, but it's not like I cared. I walked out of that door from before and entered the room with the fallen guards. I smile at their dead corpses. What a sad day, don't you think, Tomara? I then walk out that door. I just walked out of the basement and no one seemed to notice. I struted out of that party like, again, the queen I am. I took out my phone and called Tomara.

"Capture the ring mission: complete."

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