Chapter 16

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maybe you didn't but LET ME HAVE THIS

"Glad you surrendered yourself. The pros were all over different distances yet, they still didn't find you. Now talk." I was tied to a chair with some sort of collar on. Izuku's teacher, Aizawa or Erasurehead was confronting me. I stayed quiet.

"We want you to meet someone since I assume you won't talk. " I looked him in the eye for a split second. "Do what you want. I don't care." I stared at the ground. "Mr. Aizawa?" There was a voice. Then a woman came round the corner and was visible. "Thank you for coming." Aizawa shook the woman's hand. She smiled at him. "No worries." Then she looked at me. "So this is the kid?" She seemed puzzled."Yes." Aizawa faced away from us. "So this is Shokai Tsunaka?" I hesitated, but nodded.

"My quirk let's me go through other people's memories, but the person who's memory I go through will see the same thing I do." What?! "Wait! I- you can't make me do this!" I started breathing heavily. I didn't want to see anything from the past. I just couldn't. I was hororfied. Aizawa's eyebrow raised at me. "And why not?" I stayed silent. He looked at the girl and nodded. Wait. No! Please no! Tears were already flowing before she put her hands on my temples and everything went dark.

I was standing in a field before the woman from before popped up right next to me. "Do you remember this place?" She asked. I looked around and spotted a small boy sitting on a swing, alone until a girl ran up to him. No. This can't be. I ran towards the two in distress. I wanted to stop this. "Are you okay?" No! Stop please! This'll only hurt you in the end! Then a blond boy walked past and scoffed. I didn't want this. He'll break you and your life will turn meaningless and then you'll- "Your eye remind me of emeralds. You know, from Minecraft!" I was so happy and enthusiastic. Why did it have to end? "So, what's your name?" Please stop. I fell on my knees. The woman from before, just watched. I was crying, truly crying. "Shokai Tsunaka. What's yours?" Why. Why did it have to be me the world gave the middle finger to? "Izuku Midoriya."

Then it scene faded into what looked like my old room, when my parents were still alive. This room brung back tons of memories. Some good, some terrible. "I didn't know you could do that!" This was when we were seven. When I unlocked the ability to manipulate the sense of Thermoception. It was a very hot day. Well, I didn't know that because I used it on myself. I thought it was freezing. "I didn't know either but..." "THAT WAS AWESOME!" I giggled a little. We ised to share the same mind. We were such dorks. The women smiled at me. "A good memory?" She asked. "We were like one in the same. Inseparable, but, good things are meant to end, right?" She looked sympathetic. "What happened to you two?" I stayed quiet. She'll find out later.

Then it faded again. To a road. I looked around and saw us walking down the street. "I still think Eren's in the right because for all those hundered years people were still being killed." My eyes widened. "No. No! This can't be happening!" My head darted towards the women. "Can't you skip this! Please I beg you!" Her sympathetic look remained. "I'm sorry. I can't skip anything. I only pick where I begin and end." She frowned. "I trust that you'll get home safe, Commander Izuku?" My past self salutes to him. "Of course, Commander Shokai." The he leaves. I start hyperventilating. I know what happened this day. When past me gets home I fall to the ground and hold my head to the floor. I can't look at this. Not again. I heard the woman's breath get stuck in her throat and her hand jump on her mouth. I had my head down, but I remembered how everything looked. I heard a thud. That was when I dropped my bookbag. "MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU!" I remember how scared I was and how much adrenaline rushed through me. " MAMA!" I remember my mother's dead corpse. How vilently I shook her. How many tears were spilled before I gave up on her. "Papa? PAPA NO!" I remember his decapitated head. Did their murderer think of that as some kind of taunt. There was another thud before I heard the door open and another gasp followed by another thud came. "SHOKAI! MRS. TSUNAKA! MR. TSUNAKA!" I didn't remember this part. Haha, I'm an idiot. I was unconscious. "NO! NO! NO! PLEASE!" I picked my head up and watched him run into the room I was in. He held my body close. He was crying too. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but please! You can't leave me! I-I love you too much!" What. "You can't die like this!" He then quickly called 9-1-1 and his mom. Soon the ambulance came and the memory faded.

Now we were at my middle school. "Izuku look! Another part to my quirk!" His eyes dulled. Why? I used it on Bakugo just to mock him. It was my proprioception ability. He was freaking out. Normally, I would probably laugh, but after the last memory, I couldn't even crack a small smile. "Haha! Bakugo's freaking out!" After my parents died, I only smiled for him. Sometimes it was real, other times, it was forced. He got up and walked out the door. "Izuku, are you okay?" I looked concerned. "Yeah, I'm just tired. I'm gonna head home myself, okay?" I nodded and he left. Wait. Is this why he was mad at me. Was I bragging? I didn't mean to make him feel low. What have I done? Then the scene faded again.

Again, we were on the sidewalk. "I'll fix whatever I did, just please tell me!" Past me was so desperate. I took a deep breath.

"Fix your excistance, and fix your dream too, you could never become a hero."

"Fix your excistance, and fix your dream too, you could never become a hero."

We said in sync. The woman looked at me with surprise and sadness. This whole time, she'd look at me with that dumb face. I don't want her pity, I don't want her despair, I don't want anything from her. Past me was frozen on the sidewalk for a couple seconds, before tear started falling. I remember how much I hated myself, how much I hated life, how much I hated everything. Then like every other time, the scene faded.

We were on a building and I was standing close to the edge. The past and present me took a long breath. "Finally, I'm free to fly." I walked up beside past me and looked out to the horizon. It was truly beautiful, peaceful, and quiet. Then past me started walking towards the edge. There was no use in trying to stop me. Once I fell down, the woman came up to me. "I'm sor-" "I don't want your pity." I spat out. My words sounded tuff, but I was crying. Then it faded.

It was the league's base. The women looked around. "We're having a mission, we are going to attack U.A. with a goal to kill All Might." He stared at Shirgaraki. "The USJ." She mumbled. "Can we end this. You know why I joined, you know my whole backstory really. Can we please just leave." She looked at me and then everything went faded again.

We went back to the park from the first memory. I felt a tug on my leg so I looked down. It looked like kid me. Wait. "You can see me?" I kneeled in front of me. "What do you mean "You can see me?" We're the same person, Sho." I looked her in the eye. "This is just the body I was given for the moment." This didn't make sense. Kai's part of my mind. "Why are you here? What do you want?" She smiled. "I want us to be whole again. I want us to be Shokai again. You know just as much as I do that you want this too. Please, come sit with me." She started walking towards a bench and I followed. She sat down and I sat down next to her.

She looked towards the horizon and I looked the same direction. "When was the last time we had a civil conversation and not an argument?" She asked. "When we were whole, I believe." She giggled. "Why are we still separated?" I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. "Sho, I want these years of rebellion to be over, but..." She took a deep breath. "I know you're reasoning behind all this. I know that 'I'm sorry' won't fix what I did and what choices I made, but please consider my request." I slowly shook my head. "Why are you pulling out this big words Kai?" I turned my head her way. "Like you said before, I do want to be whole again, but if it puts us in danger then, well, I really don't want to risk almost dying again." She turned her head and we made eye contact. "I promise, if something gets that low again, I'll back off. You're way more stern than I am." She smiled. I smiled back.

"So?" I put my hand on her cheek. "Yes. I want to fuse again." She places her hands on my cheeks and we lean in. After our lips meet, everything was not black, but white.

I know, I know. You're probably thinking, WHY DID THEY KISS! WOULDN'T THIS BE LIKE INSEST! No, it's not. Basically it's kinda symbolizing a persons love for themselves. It's not supposed to be disgusting. Also it's the way they become one. Kinda like Steven Universe when they fuse but, ya'know, they kissed.

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