Chapter 6

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"Let's go. Now." Kirogiri opened his portal. "See you later sis!" Toga waved me off as I stepped though the portal. The USJ. Unforseen simulation joint, it was called. Yet here we are.

(This is her villain costume)

(It's the one on the left but if you like the right then you take that one also she has the same mask on from before)

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(It's the one on the left but if you like the right then you take that one also she has the same mask on from before)

1-A was the class we were about to tramatize. I wanted to torcher Bakugo and Izuku the most, but sadly you can't always get what you want. Just looking at Bakugo's face again felt crazy. But soon the mega ego he had will fade away with his sanity. Well, hopefully anyway.

"Erasurehead and Thirteen. Looks like we missed him." I look over to Shirgaraki. He was having his little scratching. "Shirgaraki, what now?" I was curious to what he would say. "He'll surly come if we kill some kids." I smirked. I wasn't into killing kids, but I'll do anything if it meant I get an apology. "You wouldn't mind if he went first?" I looked to my old blond friend. He visibly jump slightly backwards. "Go for it." My smirk only grew. "Kirogiri, split them up." Shirgaraki instructed. "Actually, I'll wait till they come to me." I want them to see me and for it not to look forced. I'll wait till I'm fighting on of them to reveal myself. Erasurehead had jumped down to try and take care of the underlings. "You know, it would be sad if we actually missed All Might. I really wanted to see him on real life for once." I look around the USJ. It was big, like gigantic big. I wonder what would've happened if we came he when the third years were here?

A tint of green caught me eyes. My eyes darted that way and there we was with a frog girl and a guy with purple balls on his head. I smirked. I then looked at the sight in front of me. Erasurehead was being crushed by our Nomu. How unfortunate. I walked over to him and kneeled down. He used his quirk on me, but it didn't really matter. "So Erasurehead, what would you say about your situation?" He glared at me. "I just wanna know what you know about Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo." He went wide eyed. "Why do you need to know?!" I rolled my eyes. "I just wanna know if they have any friends and who they are." I smiled, but you could see the malice behind it. He was silent. "Fine then." Then I used my quirk to make his body feel like a stick under the nomu's foot. He screamed out in agony. Then I stopped. "Will you please answer my question? Do they have friends and who are they?" I asked again. He held his head low. I sighed. "You see, both of them used to be my friends, but they pushed me to kill myself. The league did end up saving me, but that doesn't mean consequences don't apply anymore. I came here to mentally fuck with their brains." He just stared at me with disgust. I sighed again. "Fine, then I'll go for broccoli boy over there. I look over to Izuku and the other two. I started walking towards Izuku. Those three didn't move an inch. I could see how frightened they were by their eyes.

Something unique about me is my eyes. My eyes are a golden yellow because of my quirk. Everyone at my daycare wanted my eyes. After a while some people started calling my eyes hot and attractive. Not me, my eyes. However, I never fell for anyone's tricks. Because I'm smarter than that. And that's why I have contacts in. Red ones to be exact. Crimson red ones.

I made them hear me in their heads. "The oh-so great heroes in training are cowering under me. Crazy." Their irises was shaking. How nice. Izuku's eyes then changed. It looked determind. I rolled me eyes. Then I made a projection the kneeled in front of them. "Oh come on! Aren't you guys the best of the best! You guys are class 1-A of the hero course! You guys should be fighting back! Not cowering under me like this! This is super disappointing you know!" Me and my projection laughed. I then aimed my support weapon, which worked like iron man's repolsor, at the frog girl. "Say goodbye." I smiled under the mask. Then Izu sprung up and looked like he was about to punch me, but the nomu saved me by taking the hit. "Thank you friend." I thanked the blue beast. I then walked around the monster to talk to Izuku. "I never understood this new power you have now. Weren't you quirkless? Or did you lie to me?" His eyes asked me 'What is she talking about'. "That hurts ya'know. Nomu, fling him."

The Nomu then reached for his arm, but a loud boom was heard. We all looked at the source. It was All Might! "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." He was different this time. He wasn't smiling. He was mad. This'll be fun. Then underlings started falling. He too fast. I expected this. So I made special glasses that can see at light speed. However, I still wasn't able to dodge his attack. I said that it could see light speed, not that I could react at light speed. I just knew what was coming. I fell to the ground, held my stomach, and started coughing. Then my hand made it's way to my face. I smirked. He tore my mask. This was perfect for my 'comeback'. I started laughing. All Might started looking at me with anger and disgust. "You only did me a favor, All Might! Now I can reveal myself easier, so thanks!" I was so excited to see their faces! All Might told the three to take Eraser back to the group. "What a sad sight. Seeing him leave right when I was about to reveal myself. Tragic." I glared at All Might. "Aizawa told me you wanted Young Midoriya and Bakugo. Why?" I scoffed. "And why is that your business?" I stared intensely at the hero. I didn't want to fight All Might. I wanted Katsuki and Izuku. What a shame. I made my real self invisible and projected a new me.

At the same time I projected my old self to Izuku, making him stop in his tracks. My real self then walked up to my old self and grabbed 'my' shoulders. "Aren't you having fun, Shokai. Seeing as these kids are given trama, just like yours." I spoke to it. Izuku sprung at me, making the girl take Erasers body. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" He tried to punch me again. The only thing stopping him from knowing that this is me are these contacts. I yanked the projection away from his punch. "Wow. I thought the two of you were friends, yet you almost hit her." He then started a flurry attack. Funny. All this for the dead. Crazy. "I just wanted to say that she's dead and not coming back to you. She killed herself because of you, Izuku." He stopped. He gritted his teeth. "STOP LYING YOU DUMB VILLAIN!" He was enraged. I sighed. He never came to terms with it. Sad. "Well that's funny." I made the projection fade. "Wanna see a trick?" He was charging his new quirk. While he was doing so, I took out my contacts.

"You remember these eyes, Izuku?"

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