Attack on Armory One

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I snuck through the halls, as quick as lightning but quiet as the light snow. I stopped, back against the corner of the wall. I peaked around the corner to see five guards approaching. I quickly jumped up between one wall to the other, back and fourth until I was at the cieling. I climbed on top of the air ductwork and hid.

They walked very slow, agonizingly slow. Armored like some form of emergency swat responders. Each equipped with a submachine gun, likely 22LR or 9mm rounds judging by the size of the magazines and exit chambers. They walked closer...

and closer...


I jumped off the duct and let gravity do the rest of the work. I landed on the one that brought up the back, slamming him to the ground and swiftly stepping on the back of his neck, ending his life. Before the next in line ahead could even do anything I grabbed him and snapped his neck easily, all it takes is a few pounds of pressure and one swift 180 degree turn to end a human life.

Incredible, so fragile.

The last three heard something going on and began to turn around, it was as if they were moving in slow motion.

They didn't stand a chance.

The three ahead finished turning around and started to point their weapons at me but I took a knife from my sleeve and threw it, piercing one's helmet and skull as he fell to the ground. I then jumped forward while the other two were shocked and kicked the next's gun from his hand. I picked him up into a fireman's carry and flipped him over my shoulders onto his back; bringing a knife from my other sleeve and slitting the last one's throat immediately. The one on the ground on his back reached for his gun but I kicked it away.

I could see his eyes through his ballistic goggles. He looked so shocked. He looked at me like I wasn't even human, like I was some twisted alien that disgusted him. I put my foot onto his neck and crushed it. His last thoughts were just a surprised gasp, followed by a bunch of gurgles.

My small earpiece Comm flicked on.

Kirks: Perfect work (Y/n)! Your enhanced strength, speed, agility and reaction time was incredible there. Those poor saps didn't even have enough time to react or fire at you.

(Y/n): Thank you Captain, I tried to keep it swift and quiet.

Kirks: And you did just that and more, we have elite soldiers that can only dream about neutralizing threats that quickly.

(Y/n): Thank and! How are things looking outside?

Kirks: We still have air supremacy, nothing is getting inside that base without me dispatching the threats. There's some sort of formal meeting between ORB representatives and the ZAFT people. There's a large ZAFT transatmospheric battleship floating in the bay, active but idle with it's wings folded up. My scanner shows that there's at least one Gundam-model Mobile Suit in it's storage.

(Y/n): Definitely keep an eye on that warship, I don't trust a ZAFT/Orb meeting. Especially considering they've been trying to get Orb to their side for ages now. As for Mobile Suits, I'm jealous! I wish I was in a Mobile Suit right now. It's been three years since Stella and I passed the combat exam but they absurdly wouldn't just deploy me in Sazabi to finish this easily.

Kirks: I know, but this specific mission required a pair of infiltration soldiers on the inside. The higher-ups know you and Sazabi would ace this, but they want to test your ability to command and keep the Extended under control while also testing their abilities to pilot unfamiliar Mobile Suits on the fly. Elijah wanted you to retrieve a prototype weapon too.

Organic War Machine (Gundam Seed/Cross Ange andCyberpunk 2077 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now