Sidonia and the Kshatriya

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     She was...beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. She sang with the voice of an angel; the elegant notes flowing through my eardrums. Her long flowing pink hair flowing elegantly in the wind as her long purple dress did the same. Her pale skin as smooth silk while her indigo eyes sparkled with the starlight. In her hair a golden clip, making quite the contrast with her graceful pink hair. Her slender yet curvy body stood strong as she danced around like a delicate flower. I couldn't help but watch her hips as they swayed, the light bounce of her breasts so alluring as she sang. She turned and smiled at me; her plump pink lips giving such an inviting grin as everything got brighter...

And brighter...

     And brighter

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I woke up, Stella's arms still tightly
wrapped around me as she slept. Her head tucked tightly under my chin as her soft breaths warmed my neck. I gently began to pet her head; running my hands through her soft blonde hair as she slept ever so soundly.

     I gently brought my lips to the top of her forehead; gently kissing her afterwards. Being with her always made me so happy. It made all the hard fought battles, all the death, all the destruction...being with her always made it all worth it.

     Being with her...

     It was the only thing that soothed my mind from their screams. The agonizing screams and painful last thoughts of the pilots and soldiers I've slain in combat. Being with her was the only thing that hushed their screams and thought; so that I could have true rest.

     A true peace of mind.

Well her...and that girl in my dreams' singing. Who was she?

     I tightly wrapped my arms around her slender curvy waist and pulled her closer to me. I never wanted to let her go. As we snuggled into each other, I looked over to the window out into the vast expanses of space. The glimmer of the stars mesmerized me as I slowly closed my eyes and began to drift back asleep in Stella's embrace.

Organic War Machine (Gundam Seed/Cross Ange andCyberpunk 2077 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now