Strategic Meeting

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Radio Man Stan: Goooooood Morning Night City! This is your man Stan here with some HEATED news today! It's just in that the Neo Zeon Alliance has OFFICIALLY declared war on the Earth Federation and it's ZAFT Allies! Through raging hellfire and brimstone the Neo Zeon Alliance sent a small group of operatives to ZAFT base Armory One and said operatives proceeded to steal three prototype Gundam Suits like they were new celebrity hyper-cars! I'm guessing ZAFT doesn't have theft insurance because they deployed a small army to battle the three along with a Gundam of their own! Things didn't go ZAFT's way though as the Zeon Alliance operatives laid waste to their forces and ZAFT's own deployed Gundam was incapacitated by a prototype weapon, which was also stolen by Zeon! Man! What are these Zeon people up to? That sounds like one hell of an axe to grind! With Armory One destroyed, one can't help but wonder what the Neo Zeon Alliance and ZAFT's next moves are now that Zeon has laid it's first card, and what does the ZAFT parent Earth Federation think of all this? Don't fear for us though, as just like the Orb Union, Night City has remained completely neutral! This has been your man Stan, stay safe out there everyone!

POV-Third Person:

The large monitor was turned off after the news report went off. In the large council room sat many different commanders and leaders of the Neo Zeon Alliance, some more important than others.

Zinnerman: That went well.

Elijah: Of course it did, my Newtype was assisting with it.

Zinnerman: I was skeptical at first, but I'm thrilled to say I was wrong. The 4 of them did great work and (Y/n) commanded the Extended like an expert.

Neo: He also took vantage point on a high radio tower to hold dominion over the battlefield.

     ??????: You're all neglecting one fact.

     A uniformed young man spoke, his voice direct and professional. Similar to others in the room, he wore an intricate silver mask that obscured his face and eyes. His skin pale and complexion clean. His wavy platinum blonde hair flowed down to his shoulders. What was most peculiar though was his uniform. Solid white with a ZAFT logo printed on it...the emblem of the very same faction that Neo Zeon had just declared war on.

     Elijah: Our man on the inside returns! What insight do you have for us this time, Rau Le Creuset.

     The young man now known as Rau grinned at Elijah, his smile showcasing a more sick eagerness than pleasant.

     Rau: The fact that (Y/n) was able to not only damage a ZAFT Gundam but also incapacitate it completely, taking it out of the battle.

     Kirks: He even taunted the pilot before doing so. Also incapacitated the Orb emissaries' hijacked suit without killing them, just like I requested.

     Elijah: He's a great shot. I taught him to shoot, that was until he became a better shot than me.

     Rau: The Gundam model he defeated with that Brotherhood of Steel Gauss Rifle was ZAFT's Impulse Gundam. A Mobile Suit that can't run out of energy as long as it's mothership stands, the Minerva. Otherwise known as the ship that Kirks crippled.

     Kirks: I know engaging the "Minerva" was a risk, but not as risky as letting it get into the sky to pursue us.

     Rau: Oh I'm not criticizing, merely pointing out that in one go; (Y/n) and the Extended with Kirks managed to not only successfully steal 3 prototype Gundams and a prototype Anti-Gundam Brotherhood of Steel weapon, but also incapacitate a ZAFT warship and it's Gundam while destroying Armory One beyond repair.

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