Sazabi vs Freedom

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     I had just neutralized the Federation Mobile Suits with my Kshatriya. No damage received, though that last one made it interesting with how he went all-or-nothing in his final maneuver. He knew he was doomed and that his struggling effort was pointless, but that didn't stop him. Unfortunately instead of being brave and skilled, he was reckless and clumsy. As were the rest of his squad.

     There was a blip on the scanner, a large one. I zoomed in to see what it was. It was the Archangel with an Orb insignia that everyone had been talking about. It was flying right for us, and fast. Even the Garencieres wasn't faster than it.

My comms system then activated out of nowhere, as if by another Newtype. I sensed a feeling of overwhelming power and immense pilot talent coming from this one. It almost felt as though the air was heavier.

Lady Haman: Marida, my dear.

I immediately bowed my head to the greatest pilot in Neo Zeon. The grandmaster pilot that meant so much to me.

Marida: Yes, Lady Haman-sama.

Lady Haman: Awwh how sweet, I find it so cute when you call me that.

     Marida: I'm happy that it pleases you, Lady Haman-Sama.

     Lady Haman: Such a good girl~ I'm sure you've noticed the Orb warship on it's way.

     Marida: Yes Lady Haman-sama. Should I cut them off and shoot them down?

     Lady Haman: Absolutely not, though I admire your dedication. This is a military operation specifically orchestrated so I can see what Pilot (Y/n) (L/n) is capable of and to send a message.

Marida: I thought it was odd that we flew through Orb airspace so recklessly.

Lady Haman: They're nothing if not predictable, we knew they'd dispatch their strongest warship. Orb is paranoid after seeing Armory One get scrapped by (Y/n) and these "Extended".

Marida: What if (Y/n) is overwhelmed?

Lady Haman: I'm not too worried about that happening, I have high expectations for the Remaining Son. The plan is for Stella to deploy in the Gaia and keep the Archangel at bay with long ranged particle beam fire while you handle any reinforcements if they send any out.

Marida: If I may, Lady Haman-sama...

     Lady Haman: Of course.

     Marida: Why didn't Captain Zinnerman brief me sooner? Does...Does he not trust me?

     Lady Haman: It's not that, dear Marida. Anything involving this operation was kept quiet. Sidonia is very jumpy and the Orb situation is delicate. We want someone on the inside, and to show them that their most powerful Gundam Unit in their greatest warship aren't invincible when against a pilot of Neo Zeon. This operation will accomplish the latter as a bonus, whereas I'm still working on the former.

     Marida: I understand; I was just worried I did something to earn your ire.

     Lady Haman: Never, Marida. You're one of the best I have~

     A small smile appeared on the girl's face from the woman's compliment, one of the only things that made the girl genuinely smile.

     Lady Haman: Now get back to the Garencieres before the Archangel catches it.

     Marida: As you wish, Lady Haman-Sama.

     Lady Haman: Good Girl~

Organic War Machine (Gundam Seed/Cross Ange andCyberpunk 2077 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now