Kira Yamato

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I looked over to see, a rather attractive boy! His skin was lightly tanned and his body rather thin but with a nice build to it. He had dark hazel hair that reached his neck and a very kind smile. What was most striking about him were his eyes, they were  light amethyst that gleamed just a little in the sunlight. He was honestly quite cute, but I couldn't shake the sense that I had encountered him before in less than ideal circumstances. Not wanting to be rude, I answered him with a smile of my own.

     (Y/n): Oh yes! I'm alright, just a little headache is all. Sorry for being so abrupt, is this seat taken?

     ??????: No not at all, you're fine. I don't mind the company. I haven't seen you around the campus before, are you new?

     (Y/n): Something like that, just flew in today.

     ??????: In that case, welcome to Heliopolis! Where'd you fly in from?

     (Y/n): Toha Heavy Industries, on foreign exchange.

     ??????: Wow, you've traveled quite far! What's your major, if you don't mind me asking?

     Shit, I was really hoping he wouldn't pry further. It wasn't all complete bullshit, I really was from Toha; but not on any foreign exchange. Oh well, time to think of something.

     (Y/n): Specialized Mobile Suit Engineering.

Another half-truth. I was no Engineer but was somewhat familiar with some Earth Alliance Units' inner-workings and software since they were the most widespread and available across the spacial systems and Earth, similarly to the Federation Units that were also mass produced. I'm also fairly familiar with the inner workings of Zeonic Units but nowhere near enough to be considered an engineer.

     He immediately perked up.

     ??????: You too huh? I'm actually trying to figure something out right now for my degree, my professor keeps piling on work though.

The attractive boy then looked back at the the screen of his laptop computer and sighed in frustration. A twinge triggered in my mind as I could sense his frustration and annoyance with it.

??????: I'm two assignments behind and he keeps giving me more.

I gave him a tender smile, something that I intended with genuine friendliness. Once he looked at me afterwards though, he developed a light blush onto his face. I wasn't sure why this occurred but decided to speak anyway.

(Y/n): Not trying to intrude but...may I take a look?

His pink blush not going away as his eyes glimmered while looking into mine; he replied.

??????: S-Sure, of course!

I found his embarrassed tone to be quite adorable as I looked at the assignment he had on his laptop, it seemed to be related to the Operating Systems of...Prototype Earth Alliance Technology?


     It appears the Intel we got was true.

     Being quite familiar with OMNI's...rather wonky operating systems software, I quickly got to work undoing all the issues within the software file. It was actually quite easy, OMNI tech is great but it's systems aren't as sophisticated as Zeon's; so Zeonic engineers usually have to fill in all the faults and cracks that OMNI leaves.

     The boy watched me and I could practically sense his awe as he scooted closer to me. He watched on, analyzing my every move as I swiftly typed on the keyboard of the laptop and clicked around using the touchpad. Once I was finished, a series of green notifications glowed on the screen in many different separate windows. This signified that everything was done properly and that this project was completed. I then gave him a few tips, trying to be help him when he has to deal with OMNI OS in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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