The Helios Plan

313 19 15


I looked up at the glimmering crimson machine, now fully repaired and ready for active duty. A chill of anticipation and excitement ran up my spine. It had been a good bit since I had been in the cockpit. I had never been more eager to be deployed again as I am now. I had a vague mission that I was being sent on, the briefing was supposed to update me.

Arlette: did I do?

(Y/n): I absolutely love it Arlette! The paint is more gorgeous now than it ever was before!

Just on instinct I hugged her. She was surprised at first but quickly recovered and hugged me back.

Arlette: Thank you so much (Y/n)! I'm happy with how it turned out, it should be even stronger now than it was then.

     (Y/n): Oh? How so?

     Arlette: I removed a few software and hardware limitations that were built into it's original framework. You were operating the Sazabi at what was basically a quarter of it's potential due to the limiters in place.

     (Y/n): So it'll be stronger than ever before?!

     Arlette: Yes, it will be far beyond what it ever was before.

     I felt an overwhelming joy arouse within me, like I owed a great deal to this talented girl. In a rush of excitement I hugged her again, picking her up off the ground in my embrace as she laughed. When I came down from my high of happiness, I blushed and sat the girl back down on her feet.

(Y/n): S-Sorry...

Arlette: Don't be, I don't mind.

     I looked up to the Sazabi's left shoulder and saw an insignia, a beautiful silver crowned harpy eagle in a rather elegant cage, like it was just waiting to be set free from it's confines. I had never had a personal coat of arms or insignia before, so this was rather exciting to me! A sign Arlette seemed to pick up on.

     Arlette: You like it?

     (Y/n): I love it!

     Arlette: Great! I thought it was...fairly fitting. I hand-panted it myself.

     (Y/n): It's perfect Arlette! I love it!

     Arlette: Thank you, just try not to scratch it up in your upcoming mission.

She smiled playfully and I immediately smiled back, feeling a renewed joy. She truly does take pride in her work, I wish the higher-ups would give her more recognition. The mechanics and engineers are what keep Zeonic campaigns going after all.

     Arlette: (Y/n)...

     (Y/n): Yes...Ms Arlette?

     Her adorable cheeks had a light blush to them like she desperately wanted to say something. She reached up and brushed a few stray strands of hair out of my face and behind my ears; putting her arms behind her back nervously afterwards.

     Arlette: I...know I sound crazy but..sometime would you like to go ou—

     She was interrupted by the large intercom sounding out overhead.

     Intercom: All pilots of the Garencieres crew report to Dock 3! Repeat, all Garencieres crew report to Dock 3!

     I looked to Arlette, who's turquoise eyes had such a gorgeous glow to them.

     (Y/n): Hold that thought for me Arlette, I gotta go real quick!

     Arlette: O-Oh, ok...

She had a rather sad look on her face, one that made me feel pretty bad for having to leave so suddenly. So I grabbed her right hand gently in mine.

Organic War Machine (Gundam Seed/Cross Ange andCyberpunk 2077 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now