The Red Nightmare

500 18 16

POV-Third Person:

The night was warm as the darkness festered, the stars barely providing any light to the skies anymore. Cinders glowed and houses burned as the scent of charred flesh permeated the air. Piles of debris and ashes as far as the eye could see were all that lay both in sight and store for all that were left; the only emotion remaining in the minds of the people...was fear.

A lone boy ran through the streets, tears in his eyes and terror in his voice. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him. His body ached and his energy quickly depleting as the scalding gusts blew through his brown hair. He looked around, looking for anywhere to run and hide to get out of the street as he weaved through the crowds of fleeing screaming people.

A rumbling roared across the skies as small bits of debris rattled across the ground and the glass on building windows began to crack. Cars shook in their place and shingles fell from rooftops as a giant shadow engulfed the city like a massive bird of prey; searching for it's next meal as the mass panic engulfed the city's citizens.

     His heartbeat increasing nearly tenfold, the boy ran through the streets trying to avoid the monster in the skies. He narrowly avoided tripping on bits of broken bloody rebar sticking out of the ground as he frantically rushed; the countless corpses of the dead providing equally as rough obstacles for the boy to run around. The fear of death had never made itself more known to him than now, his terror greater now than it had ever been in his life.

     The rumbling growing uncontrollably dangerous; the boy swiftly crawled beneath a stationary car that was parked up on the curb against a dilapidated building. Sweat from his brow dripped on the concrete road beneath him as he quivered in fear for his life. He gagged as he looked to the left and saw a corpse beneath the car with him; an unfortunate man with multiple pieces of shrapnel through his head. The blood-soaked street soaked through the boy's shirt.

     The shadow stopped over the city block; analyzing the area. The boy's heart nearly halted as he worried that he had been seen. He felt the cold chill of the reaper's touch flow up his spine. "No, please no, I can't die here" the boy thought, his mind shifting back and forth between fear and desperation as he watched as well as he could from the limited ground-level field of vision he had beneath the car.

A shining light bathed street in a vivid green hue. This shocked the boy and he quickly crawled back further beneath the car; the gleaming emerald light seeming to scan the area like a wide spotlight looking for it's next victim. The light got closer to the car as the boy quivered; his feet hitting the wall behind the car, indicating he had no farther back to crawl.

The green light drew closer...

And closer...

So close...

The boy's heart was practically beating out of his chest.

Mere inches away from the car; the light abruptly stopped, disappearing into the night as it flickered off. The giant shadow of the monster moved onward, like it ascertained that it's prey wasn't on that specific street.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the boy waited a few moments before slowly and carefully inching forward to make sure the coast was clear.

     Looking left

     Then looking right

     The monster had taken it's leave, at least for now.

     The boy crawled out from under the car, a feeling of relief in his chest as his heartbeat calmed down to a normal pace. He continued running through the city's roads, the smoke of the flames making it difficult to see. The sheer heat threatening to burn his skin if he didn't leave the city soon.

Organic War Machine (Gundam Seed/Cross Ange andCyberpunk 2077 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now