Bathing Beauty

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The door to the room opened as Quess and Arlette walked me in, helping me up onto the hospital bed. Stella was fast asleep but immediately hugged around me; her head snuggling into the crook of my neck as her arms embraced me. Her body was warm from the sheets of the bed and her soothing touch was all the more sweet.

Quess: Aww how cute~!

Arlette: You didn't tell us you had another girl in your bed!

(Y/n): W-W-Well I-I—

Quess: We're only kidding cutie; she's beautiful~

Arlette: She's the pilot of the Gaia right? I've done repairs on it before but nothing serious, she must be a great pilot.

(Y/n): Yes, and she is! You probably haven't had to do much repairs on it since Stella rarely gets hit while piloting it.

Quess: Well, I hope we get assigned and deployed together sometime! It'll be a lot of fun.

(Y/n): So do I, it'll be a blast.

Arlette: You know where to park when you need repairs; Sazabi should be fully repaired and operational very soon.

(Y/n): Thank you Arlette, and thank you too Quess. I appreciate you both being my legs.

With two beautiful smiles, they both left the medical ward room. I exhaled and looked down at the beautiful angel all snuggled up to me. She's so adorable when she's sleeping. Well...she's adorable either way but still. I lightly took her hands and her fingers intertwined with mine. I kissed her hand, and a small grin appeared on her cute pink lips.

     Suddenly; with all the swiftness of a peregrine, she reached up and hugged around me, pulling my head directly into her warm bosom afterwards! Her scent was sweet and intoxicating as her heartbeat soothed my eardrums. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer as she kissed the top of my head.

     Stella: You left me...

     (Y/n): I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if I could find Sazabi...and to stretch my legs a bit.

     Stella: You could have let me know, I would have carried you.

     (Y/n): I know, but...

     Stella: But what (Y/n)-boo?

     (Y/n): You were so cute while sleeping...I just didn't want to wake you.

     Stella: *giggles* Thank you! I was just worried when I woke up for a bit and you were gone...

(Y/n): You know I'll never leave you for long, I'll always come back.

I looked her in the eyes.

(Y/n): Because you're my Stella-boo~

She pulled me into a passionate kiss; our tongues wrestling for dominance as we lay there in each other's arms. Once we separated we laid there a bit longer, just gazing into each other's eyes. I felt a warm twinge in my mind, but this time it was different. I couldn't sense her thoughts, but I could sense her emotions! The pure absolute love she had for me practically radiated from her in a beautiful pink and yellow aura. The sparkles in her ruby eyes as I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. I was speechless...I felt like I didn't deserve such a powerful love, but she loved me this immensely all the same. And I love her just as much. In fact...the pleasant emotions I felt from her almost made me feel energized in a way as my legs stopped aching. It was...odd. Almost like her loving emotions towards me helped me heal...but it could also just be my mind playing tricks on me.

Organic War Machine (Gundam Seed/Cross Ange andCyberpunk 2077 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now