Chapter 25

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(ENHYPEN, my new obsession and their cover song Given-Taken.)


Sophie's POV

"Well? How do it look?" I walk out of the dressing room and spin around in front of Biana.

We are currently at the mall. This is the 3rd store we've been to. Every time we come out empty handed.

"Hmmmmm. Don't do the blue top. Do the red top." Biana critiques. She tosses me the red top.

I turn on my heel back into the dressing room. I quickly change and come out.

"Well?" I look up at Biana.

"Wow! That looks amazing. Red is totally your color." She scans my outfit. "Let's buy it!"

I smile and turn back around. A couple minutes later I come out. Together we walk to the cash register and pay.

"Okay the total is $47.24." The cashier states.

I hand her $50.

"Here you go! Thank you for shopping!" I says cheerfully.

I take the bag from her hands and we walk out. "Okay. Next we need make up."

Biana grabs my arm and drags me to Sephora. She sits me down in one of the big leathery chairs.

"We got you a red top so I'm thinking gold eyeliner, clear lip gloss, and pink blush." She hurries away to find the supplies.

I take my phone out and start playing games.

"Okay! Face up!" I put my phone away and look up.

She grabs an eyeliner pen and starts to draw on my eye lids. "It needs to be simple. He said casual right?"

"Yeah." I say simply.

Once she's done with the eyeliner she brushes some mascara on my lashes. Then, she carefully places blush on my cheeks. She swipes a lip gloss brush against my lips. "All done! What do you think?"

I turn the chair to look at a mirror. "It looks perfect!"


She hands me a make up wipe. I wipe off my make up while Biana goes to buy the make up. We meet at the entrance.

My stomachs grumbles. "Hungry?" Biana asks chuckling.

"Yeah." I say bashfully.

We head over to the food court.


"What shoes are you gonna wear Sophie?" Biana asks her mouth full.

"Probably my Adidas." I respond shrugging.

We eat in silence for a bit.

"Hey Biana?" I look up while Biana whips around.

"Hey Tam. May I help you?" She responds, her voice shaking a bit.

"Do you wanna...." He mumbles the rest.


"Do you wanna hang out Saturday?" Tan says quietly.

Biana's eyes widen. "Yes! Oh I mean yeah sure."

"I'll text you." He says then walks away.

"Oh my! Did that really just happen?"

"Tiana for the win!" I pump my fist up in the air receiving a few stares.

"Shut up." Biana grumpily mumbles.


I organize my new clothes in my closet.

"Ready for bed?" Biana wonders.


We get under the covers and slowly fall asleep.

Hi y'all!

I have returned! I hope you enjoy the new chappie. I reread my other chapters and realized that they are really bad. Lol! I try to write batter ones now that I'm devoted to this one.





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