Chapter 14

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(Inner Child by V of BTS)


Sophie's POV

My alarm blares. I slap it off. I closed my eyes to sleep more then, I realized I'm going to see Rylan today!

I jump out of bed, put on denim shorts and a white blouse, and I brush on some eye shadow. (Of course I do my hair and brush my teeth.) I grab a piece of toast and head out.

I arrive to school to see Rylan waiting for me at the entrance.

When he sees me his eyes light up.

"Hey." He says to me.


"You look great." He said admiring my outfit.

I blush and say, "Thank you!"

We stand there awkwardly. "So. I was wondering if you are coming to my game today?"

"Oh." I say. "I wasn't really planning on going. But do you want me to come?"

"Kinda. I mean it's okay. You don't have to come." He says sadly.

"No, no. I'll be there."

He smiles at me and grabs my hand. Together we walk into school.

(Time skip lunch)

Rylan met up with me to walk me to lunch. How sweet. When we walk into the cafeteria I immediately see Keefe and some girl talking. I get hit with jealousy. I'm not sure why.

The girl gets up and walks into the lunch line.

Rylan guides me over to his table. I tried to pay attention to what was going on but...I couldn't. My eyes stayed glued to Keefe.

Fitz walks up to Keefe. He says something, Keefe answers with a smile. Fitz says something his eyes distant, Keefe spits out water and says something back. It goes back and forth a couple more times. Then the girl walks up. Fitz shoves Keefe out of the way. Something is happening. Fitz gets up and walks to his table.

He passes me and sees my hand intertwined with Rylan's. He glares at me and Rylan.

What is his problem?

I look back at Keefe. The girl kisses him. I feel jealous.

Is it possible I still like Keefe?


Sorry it's kinda short today. But I hope you enjoy it (sorta). heheh.




Have a great day!


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