Chapter 7

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(FAKE LOVE by BTS. I thought is was fitting *shrugs*)

Sophie's POV

I collapse onto my bed. Crying my eyes out. Not caring about who saw me, my make up, nothing. All I can think about is the fact the Keefe and Biana were in a make out session when I went back up. Even after I told Biana about my crush, she still did that.

I thought she likes Tam.

"Sophie. Sweetie. Are you okay?" My mom, Edaline, asked. 

"No, no I'm not." I said in between sobs.

"May I come in? We can talk." 


She walks into my room and sits on my bed next to me. All she does in rub circles on my back and whisper, 'It's going to be okay Soph'. Eventually I hear a deep voice call out, "I home!"

Edaline calls back, "Up here!"

Grady, my dad, comes up and sees my crying and Edaline trying to comfort me.

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Edaline responded. "She hasn't spoken much."

"Sophie, do you want to tell us what's wrong?" Grady asks.

"Sure." I respond.

I recap everything that happened starting with when I found Fitz cheating on me to when I walking in on Keefe and Biana making out.

By the time I finished Grady was furious and Edaline was worried.

"Sophie, are you alright?" Edaline said at the same time Grady said, "I'm going to hurt those boys." 

Grady stormed out of the room. Probably to head to the Vacker's.

"No. I'm not okay." I answer.

"Awww. Sweetie. It'll be okay. In the meantime, do you want some ice cream?"

"Yes please."

She nods and walks out of the room. I get up and start gathering pictures of me and Fitz, me and Biana, and everything that reminds me of them, and I throw it all out. I lay back down and silently cry.

When Edaline comes back up she brings a laptop with her.

"Here. I brought you some ice cream and the laptop. Try watching something. Get your mind off of this." She gives me the stuff and asks, "Do you want me to stay or go?"

"Can you please go. I need some time alone."

She nods understandingly and exits the room. Once I don't hear anymore foot steps I cry to my hearts content. 

I couple hours passed. All the ice cream is gone. I have no more tears left to shed. I open the laptop and turn on a movie. I try to take my mind off everything, but it doesn't work. I just feel more miserable.

Eventually I get up to go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. My hair is a rat's nest, my make up is streaked across my face, my eyes are red and puffy. I look awful. I feel so broken.

I do my business and walk back to my bed. I play some BTS songs (Fake Love, Butterfly, Awake, I Need You, Save Me, Spring Day, Hold Me Tight, Lie, Autumn Leaves, First Love, etc.) I slowly drift off to a dreamless sleep.


How are y'all doing? I know this chapter is kinda sad. I was tearing up. But this chapter is important. Comment if you want me to do Keefe's POV or Sophie's POV next. I just love Grady. hehe!

Who's excited for Unlocked to come out of the 17th? I know I am. I already preordered it.

Thanks for reading!

Please follow meeeeee!


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