Chapter 21

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(Hi y'all! This chappie is for the 1K views. I wasn't planning on doing this. I was gonna do a filler chapter. But this is so much better. Enjoy! The song is N.O. by BTS. Idk if I already did this song yet.)


Keefe's POV

I walked up to where Aella and Fitz were standing. I don't know what I'm feeling but I can feel the anger, hurt, betrayal, and sadness bubbling inside me. Seeing them together set something off inside of me.

I snapped.

"WHAT THE HECK AELLA! FITZ HOW COULD YOU!? I trusted you guys!" I explode.

"Keefe, baby, it's not what it looks like." Aella says with a sickly sweet tone.

"Okay sure. It looks like you are making out with FITZ!" I exclaim playing along. She pales.

"Keefe—" She tries again her voice softer. Her eyes turn glassy.

"No! I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses. I don't ever want to see you guys again!"

"Keefe knock it off! I always get the girl remember." Fitz states trying to make the situation better. My blood boils.

"Shut up." I whisper venom laced in my tone. "Get. Out. Of. My. Life."

They look at me shocked. I turn on my heel and walk toward the door. As I walk through the school my anger vanishes leaving a cold empty pit I've grown accustomed to. Something wet lands on my arm. I'm crying. I let it all out. All the hurtful words, pain, loss. It all comes out.

I lean on a locker and cry. I hear footsteps carefully coming down the hall.

"Keefe?" I recognize that voice. The voice of the girl who tried to warn me. The girl I fell for the moment I met her.

I feel something warm sit down next to me.

"What happened?" She asks worry taking over her features.

"Aella. Fitz." Is all I say. But she understands. Big fat tears slide down my face.

"Keefe." She doesn't say anything more. Her being there is enough.

She wraps her arms around me. I burry my face into the crook of her neck and cry. She doesn't say anything, we just sit there is comfortable silence. Her arms aerie around me. She strokes my back. Everywhere she touches leaves a warm trail.

What did I do wrong?

What did I do to deserve this?

I don't deserve Sophie.

"Come on Keefe. Your strong. Fight, keep fighting. Thats the person I fell in love with." She whispers into my ear. I dry my tears when I hear these words.

Love. She loves me.

Something wet hits my neck. She is crying.

"I don't like seeing you like this Keefe, please, fight, for me." She whispers sobs racking her body.

We cry for some time. Once all tears are shed she says, "Ice cream on me."

I nod my mind somewhere else. We get up slowly and walk over to her car. In a few minutes we pull into the parking lot for Coldstone. I smile, she knows my favorite ice cream place.

(Time skip)

We pull up to my house. I deflate. I felt so much better around Sophie. I don't want it to end.

"Thanks Sophie. For everything." I say looking into her beautiful eyes.

She smiles at me. "Anytime."

I turn to walk into my house. When I'm stoped by the sound of her voice. "I meant what I said Keefe. I do love you."

I face heats up but by the time I turn around she is gone.

I love you too Sophie.

Hi y'all!

Hope you like the gift for 1K views!





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