Chapter 23

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(I know I've done this song either in this story or my other story. But this was last year"a Love Yourself Speak Yourself concert. Euphoria preformed and sang by Jungkook of BTS.)


Keefe's POV


She's been avoiding me all day. I see her in the halls then she runs away. At lunch I walked up to her. She slowly backed away from me. It hurt. I really like her. I want to ask her out but...

I don't know how.

I just wish...I LIFE WAS EASIER!

Okay, to make that come true I will need to:
1. Find a lamp
2. Rub it
3. POOF! A genie comes out
4. Make 3 wishes
1.) Life will be easier
2.) I get a life's worth amount of cookies
3.) I get a mansion filled with prank supplies!

There my steps to make life easier. Now a lamp. . .


Okay, so I asked around for a lamp. They always asked why I needed a lamp. *sigh*. When I told them they looked at me weird and walked away. But! When I asked Janelle she said genies aren't real.

So now I need a Plan B.

I guess I can just ask Sophie.


I can try to find one of those superhero people. I can ask them to change my life. Then I would ask for a life's worth amount of cookies. Then a mansion filled with prank supplies. THERE! Plan B is a go. I imaged saying that when the camera zooms in on my face then the lights go out and only leave my eyes illuminated. Hehe.

OKAY! Now Plan B is a go. Hehe! It's so much fun to say that!


Yeah so here's the deal. I asked around, again, and again, Janelle said superheroes aren't real. So that dream got crushed.

"Keefe? Why have you been asking around for lamps with genies and superheroes?"

I turn around and come face to face with Sophie. "Uhhhhhh. Because, uhhh, so you see I have a...cousin! Yeah a cousin, who...has someone they want to...ask out. But...uhhhhh he doesn't know how to." I say unsure of everything I'm saying.

She giggles. "Well I would say go for it. If the girl really likes him then she won't care how she is asked out."

"Thanks Sophie. Umm Sophie?"


I take a deep breath now or never. "Will you—"OH MY GOSH MY VOICE CRACKED!!! She probably thinks I'm weird. Keep going Keefe, keep going, "go out with me?" I say my face bright red.

Her face turns red. Either from holding in her laughter or because she is embarrassed. Her face twitches.

"Keefe—" She bursts into laughter, "I'm sorry. Your voice cracked. But I would love to go out with you."

I nod. "Great! I'll text you."

"Okay. Bye!" When I turn to leave I hear her burst into laughter.

Sooooo worth it!


Be happy I updated. I got into a big fight with a friend (kinda I was kinda forced to be friends with her), I got out of school and onto Winter Break, and I just didn't want to update today. BUT I DID! I loved writing this chapter. I love the part where Keefe's voice cracks. I was laughing when writing that. Lol!





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