Bonus Chapter 1

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(Not edited. Please be my editors.)

Aella's POV

The sun streams through the open curtains. Rolling out of bed I quickly get ready.

I begin to pack a small bag with the necessities. Clothes and bathroom junk. Quietly I grab another bag. Rushing out to the kitchen I grab all the canned food and water bottles and shove them inside the bag. Hurrying back to my room I grab the two bags and open the window.

Dropping the bags I leap out. Racing to the giant oak tree I stumble on a rock. Quickly getting back up I continue.

When the oak tree comes in sight I walk 20 steps to the left, 4 steps upward, and 39 steps right. Lifting the fake grass a ladder descends into the tunnels. Looking back one last time I head into the tunnel.

I walk down the tunnel for about 3 hours. Then a fork in the path appears. Taking the left side I continue. Various twists and forks attempt to mislead me.

Eventually the tunnel the walls begin to disappear. A metal door appears.

Grabbing the key hanging from my necklace I shove the door open. The hinges and rusted from not being opened in many years.

A cozy room appears.

A small bed is pushed up against the left wall. A small dresser on the back wall. And small bathroom consisting of a tiny sink, toilet, and a bath opens up on the right. With all the furniture a small place in the middle is left to wander.

Next to the dresser another opening appears. I head down that way. A tiny kitchen awaits me. A table for 3 is in the middle of the room.

Sighing I quickly turn the few lights on and begin to put everything away.

After eating a can for beans, I head to wash up. Cold water hits my skin waking me up from the fantasy I used to live in.


Laying in bed I stare at my mom's locket. Carefully putting it back around my neck I grab my dad's journal. Starting to read it.

Slowly drift away I bookmark my page and go to sleep.

About 4 years later. . .

Hiding in the shadows I see Sophie and Keefe come into the room. Laughter erupts from their lips.

A few minutes later Sophie comes out in a completely new dress.

They say something grabbing each other's hands the get ready to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" I call out emerging from the shadows.

The turn around. Frozen in shock. I make the move and approach them.

"Congratulations!" I say cheerfully. I had them the small wrapped gift. "It's an apology and wedding gift. I hope you like it." I try to say it happily but sadness laces into my voice.

"Aella. You didn't have to." Sophie responds trying to give it back.

"I know. But I wanted to." I smile. "Just like how I wanted to be here even if I wasn't invited. I wanted to celebrate." I smile sadly.

"Aella, how have you been?" Sophie asks.

My mind flashes to all the horrible moments I had over the years. "Alright I guess. Just taking a lot of time to process everything." Sophie moves forward and hugs me.

Tears spill out of my eyes. I haven't been hugged since I left home.

"Thanks for coming, it means so much." Tears form in Sophie's eyes.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I respond. She wraps me in another hug. "Now, get out there Mr. and Mrs. Sencen."

I wave good bye. They wave back then walk out. Sighing I quickly leave before getting caught again.


So, this has been my life for the past few years. A couple years later I met another run away, just like me. His name is Axel. He is one year older than me. He comes from a wealthy family.

We dated for about a year. Now we are engaged with a little munchkin in his way.

I'm happier now then ever.


BONUS CHAPPIE 1! Complete.

You know, I kinda want to write a whole story about Aella and Axel's love life. But at the same time I don't wanna.

If y'all want me to do it comment!

(It'll be a short story!)





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