Chapter 16

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(Run by BTS.)


Sophie's POV

I walk out the the football field. I grab a seat toward the back. A bunch of people line the bleachers. 

I'm only here for Rylan. I remind myself.

I wait about 5 minutes. "Sophie?"

I look over to where the voice came from. I see a familiar teal eyed girl. 


"Hey." I say bluntly.

"May I sit here?"


We sit in silence. When the football players start coming out we all start cheering.

The game starts. I have no idea what is happening. My only clues are when I hear cheering or groaning. 

I sigh.

"So... I didn't know you come to these games. I've never seen you here before."

I roll my eyes at Biana's attempt to talk to me. "I'm only here to support my boyfriend Rylan."

"Cool! So how have you been?"

I mentally explode. "Seriously! Just stop talking to me. You ruined out friendship. I don't want to see you again."

I get up and walk out of the game. As I leave a see hurt flash on her face. I don't care she deserves to feel hurt.

Sorry I couldn't stay. Biana came.

I knew he would understand.

I'll wait in the cafeteria for u.

I walk over the the cafeteria and wait.

Hi y'all!

Sorry it's so short. I had to end it here I have something planned and I can't reveal it in this chapter. Hehe!





I Need You! - Keeper of the Lost Cities - Human AU Where stories live. Discover now