Chapter 1

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(BTS song Save Me pic)

Sophie's POV

I wake up on a beautiful sunny Saturday. I remember! Today is Fitz and my two year anniversary!!! I'm going to head to the beach to surprise Fitz.

I get up out of bed brush my hair and fishtail braid it to the side. I put on a teal bikini and a white cover up. I grab some flip flops and my bag. 

On my way out I grab a piece of toast and eat it on the drive to the beach. On the drive there I think, 'I wonder what Fitz got me this year?'

I pull into the beach parking lot and start walking over to Tower 3. (That's Fitz's tower.) As I pass Tower 2 I see a certain brown haired teal eyed boyfriend! I get excited and start heading over to him. I pause mid step when I see a pretty blonde girl in a lifeguard outfit come out of Tower 2. She heads over to Fitz. He gives her a flower bouquet and kisses her!

I sneak up closer to see what was going on.

"Happy 1 year anniversary Clara!" Fitz exclaims.

One Year! He has been cheating on me for one year. I should've known. He canceled on me all the time!

I hear Clara say, "When are you going to break up with that hideous girl you're dating."

"I think I'll just keep it up. I'm just going to ignore her from now on. I would rather be with you."

I gasp and run away. As far as I can. 

I run to the parking lot, trying to get to my car so I can drive away.

I run into someone. I don't look or care who. I hug them and cry my eyes out. Whoever it is leads me to a bench an sits me down. I look up to see a head full of blonde hair and ice blue eyes full of worry.

I slap him clean across the face.



I stand up and storm to my car. Keefe's eyes follow me in pity. I pull out of the parking lot quietly. I see his eyes full of pity and. . . .something else. 


I hope you like it so far. IDK what else to say. Thank you for reading. I'm sorry if you find jerk a cuss word. But I won't say it too much. If you read my Percabeth fanfic I always put a BTS photo at the top.(Giant BTS fan here) I'm going to do the same thing. Maybe a little bit of photos of Keefe and Sophie. I'll try to update a couple times a week. If I don't update for a week comment to remind me. If I don't update I'm probably on a trip, have writer's block, busy with school, etc. Thank you for your support so far! 


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