Chapter 13

2K 10 13

(BTS Map Of The Soul O:NE Concert)


Keefe's POV

I went to school the next day a giant grin plastered on my face. 

All night I only thought about the kiss and what it meant.

I'm walking into school when I heard, "KEEFE!" 

I turn around and see Aella running toward me.

Today she is wearing light wash skinny jeans and a pastel pink blouse. Her hair in in a bun thingy. (Please don't ask how I know all this stuff. Let's just say hanging out with Fitz since I was 3 helped. Key person: Biana) 

"Hey!" She says breathlessly.

"Hey!" I respond.

We stand in an awkward silence.

"Listen about what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to do it I was just caught up in the moment." She blurted out.

My face fell. "Did you want to do it? Please answer honestly."

"Kinda." She hesitantly says.

I smile. I take a step closer to her, "Well I kinda enjoyed it." I kissed her, right then and there. Right in front of the school entryway.

When we pull away a smile is tugging at her lips.

"So...what are we?" She asks after a while.

"I dunno. What do you want us to be?"

"Hmmmm. Maybe boyfriend girlfriend?" She looks at me with hope filling her dark green eyes.

"Sure." I say we lean in again and share a short kiss.

"But the way you look great today!" I exclaim.

She blushes, I smirk.


(Time skip lunch)

"Hey Keefe! Can you help me with something?" Fitz asks as he sits down next to me.


"I need you to help me get Aella's attention."

I spit out some water. "What!"

He looks at me weird, "Uhhh. I need help getting Aella to notice me." He says like it's so obvious.

"I can't!" I say quickly.

"Why not?"


"It's not like you're her boyfriend." He laughs at that.

I see Aella walking over to me. "Ummm now isn't the time Fitz."

He rolls his eyes, "Why?"

Aella gets closer. 


"Because why?"

She is a few feet away.


She sits down on my other side. "Hey Keefe!"

"Hey." I mutter.

"Hi Aella! How was your day so far? May I just say you look fabulous today." Fitz says immediately.

"Um. Hi. Good. Thanks?" She responds.

I look at my food. Unable to do anything else.

"So Aella." Fitz said shoving me out of the way. "You, me tonight at the new Italian place."

"Ummm. No. I have a boyfriend." She responds.

"Sure. Okay you want to play it this way. I have a girlfriend." He says sarcasticly. "So what time should I pick you up?"

She looks at him weird. "I'm not joking."

He looks at her then realization strikes his face. "WHAT?! Who? I swear I'm gonna beat that guy up."

"Umm. It's Keefe!" She say happily but at the same time unsure if she can say it.

He glares at me. "When did this happen?"

I look him in the eyes, ice blue to teal. "This morning." I said bravely.

His eyes tell me something grim and he walks away. Well, more like strides away.


So don't hate me, but I think I'm gonna keep these relationships going for a little.







I Need You! - Keeper of the Lost Cities - Human AU Where stories live. Discover now