Bonus Chapter 2

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(Big Hit New Year's Eve Live!)

Sophie's POV

I sit on the cold bathroom room floor staring at the small stick in my hands.

Joy floods through my body. Then fear. Keefe and I haven't even started talking about kids. Does he want one?

It doesn't matter. I will keep this baby no matter what.

Excitement starts to take over. I think about all the clothes and toys I can buy. Names start to flood my brain.

"Sophie?" The bathroom door opens. My husband's head peeks in.

His eyes immediately go to the stick in my hand. "Wha—" He starts.

Uncomfortable with the silence I shift. Not wanting to say anything.

After sometime I can't take the silence anymore, "Keefe, we're having a baby." I say quietly.

He doesn't say anything or do anything. Looking down tears sting my eyes.

"We're having a baby?" Keefe speaks.

I nod my head. "Yes." I show him the stick.

A big smile breaks out on his face. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!" He starts jumping up and down. He looks at me with love and affection.

Moving forward he kisses me. "We're having a baby." He whispers.


9 months later. . .

"OH MY GOSH HE WINKED AT US!!!" Biana shrieks.

"OH MY GOSH!!! SOOBIN!!! WHY ARE YOU SO HANDSOME!!!" I call out after my best friend.

Currently, Biana and I are having some much needed girl time. The guys are out doing who knows what. We are watching the 'Big Hit New Years Eve Live' again. After fawning over ENHYPEN's performance we are now fawning over TXT (Tomorrow X Together).

"CAN'T YOU SEE ME!" Biana and I sing loudly.


Hours later. . .

"AHHHHHHHH! BTS!" I shriek.

Both of us get up to start dancing. After falling my arms and legs around for a bit Biana helps me stand. Standing has been a problem especially because of my bulging stomach. The baby is due any day now.

As I stand I feel a sharp pain and liquid run down my legs.

"Sophie? Did you pee?" Biana asks nervously.

"No." I say quietly. "OHHHHHH! THIS BABY IS COMING!" I shout as a contraction hits.

"Okay. Okay! WHAT DO I FREAKING DO?!?" Biana starts to panic.

"Calm down." I say gritting my teeth. "Help me sit."

Once I'm sitting I continue. "Grab the hospital bag in the cloSETTTTT!!! OWWW THAT HURTS!!!"

Hurriedly she grabs the bag with shaking hands. The performance long forgotten. "Call Keefe. Hurry!"

Quickly informing him about my current situation, she hangs up. "Now help my to the car. We got get to the hospital." I wince as I try to stand.

Rushing over to me, Biana helps me stand that walk to the car. Once I'm situated she quickly speeds off. Well over the speed limit.

"Slow down! We wanna get there alive." I say.

Slowing down a tad bit she pulls into the parking lot.

Walking me into the ER section I grit my teeth as another contraction hits. The nurses immediately see my condition and guide me to a wheelchair.


"A couple more pushes." The doctor says.

I squeeze the life out of Keefe's hand. "YOU ARE NEVER DOING THIS TO ME AGAIN!!! DO YOU HEAR ME KEEFE!" I exclaim.

"It's okay baby. Keep pushing. And, no guarantees." He smirks. I squeeze his hand harder cause the smirk to change into a wince.

"One more push!" The doctor calls out.

With a shout I push one last time. Then I hear a baby's cry. Crying out my baby was placed onto my chest.

"Welcome to the world baby." I coo.

"What's your baby's name?" The nurse asks.

"Sandor Bentley Sencen."

Keefe's POV

As I hear my baby cry for the first time tears well in my eyes.

He gets placed on Sophie's chest to do skin to skin.

He quickly calms down. Tears stream down Sophie's tried face.

Looking down at the baby I can't help but feel proud. I'm a dad now.

"What's your baby's name?" The nurse asks.

"Sandor Bentley Sencen." I say. My eyes stay glued to Sandor.

The nurse takes Sandor away to clean him up. Hugging my beautiful wife I whisper, "I love you baby."

"I love you more."

Hi y'all!

The beautiful moment when Sandor Bentley Sencen came into the world.

To be honest, I'm not proud of this chapter. But. . .whatever!





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