Chapter one (the train to hogwarts)

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Before I begin, JK rowling owns all the characters except for the character: (Y/N) 

(Y/N)s pov:

My alarm went off and I immediately groaned. It was way too early to already get up and let alone that I didn't sleep well last night. I couldn't stop thinking about today because this was the first day of school again! While thinking about seeing my friends again I tried to silence my alarm clock with one hand. The loud sound stopped and I let out a big sigh. I knocked my blanket off my legs. I brushed my middle length hair that was just below my shoulders. My hair was dark brown but most people see it as black.

'(Y/N),' I heard my mom yell. 'You have to get up now, we don't have much time and you don't want to miss the train.'

I certainly did not wanna miss my train to Hogwarts. I put on some skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie over it not really caring how I looked. I would have chosen a shirt with short sleeves but sadly I couldn't. Knowing my biggest secret was right there, on my arms. I walked to the door from my bedroom as I remembered to not forget to bring my stuff with me. I walked back and grabbed my stuff and then walked down the stairs.

'Your dad is not up because he wanted to sleep in so he won't be able to say goodbye,' said my mom casually.

'Can't I just wake him up? I'm not gonna see him for a pretty long time. My mom looked at me with angry eyes and by that point i already knew the answer to my question. Of course I couldn't just wake him up. My dad was not a person you could speak to because he will get mad if you do one thing wrong. A rule was that you should never, and I say never, interrupt, talk against or disagree with him. To be honest I was quite happy to not see him before I left knowing that he will only put me down or comment on my looks.

My mom dropped me off at the station where the train was gonna leave and I said my final goodbyes to her. I saw her tearing up already but decided to ignore it and just got on the train. While walking through the train I was trying to find an empty spot which was harder than I had imagined.

The moment I found a place to sit i accidently bumped into someone. I slowly looked up, looking directly into the face of Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. 'Long time no see (Y/N), he smiled.

'Hi Draco, excited for the new school year?' If I had to be honest I wasn't really looking forward to speaking with Draco. We didn't end right the last time I saw him. We got into a huge argument and after that he broke up with me. Yes we used to date if you were wondering.

'Yeah kinda, i mean we're in the sixth right now so that must be interesting,' he said with the corners of his mouth up. Interesting? What could be so interesting about the sixth. Maybe he meant the things we will learn will be interesting but I had no clue. Before I could even respond to him I heard my name behind me and I turned around to see no one less than Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and of course Ron Weasly.

'(Y/N)! How are you!? How was your summer?' Ron asked excitedly. 'Oh it was fine! You didn't owl me much this summer?' I said.

'Yeah i know, i'm sorry i was just so busy an-,' before he could finish his sentence I said: 'Don't worry about it, it's fine,' with a big smile on my face. I was just happy to see them all again.

Ron and i were having a deep conversation while all of the sudden i heard Malfoy yell: 'Don't talk to me like that!' He was ready to swing a hit at Harry before someone stopped Malfoy. 

3rd person pov:

'Potter,' said Draco with a disgusting facial expression. 'Good to see you...Draco,' Said Harry before letting out a sigh and continuing with what he was trying to say. 'Look, I know that there's a lot that happened between us but I would just like to inform you that I don't wanna cause any trouble this year and I think neither do you.'

Draco was surprised by his comment but quickly recovered and went straight back to his normal griming face. 'Potter, you know I would love that but I simply can't. You stole everything from me and I won't let you get away from that so easy and fast.'

'Bloody hell, I did not! If anything, you are the one who messed it all up yourself. Don't blame it on others,' said Harry annoyed. Hermione, who was still watching what happened, knew she had to do something before things got out of hand.

'Harry, I think this is enough. Let's just go,' she said while touching Harry's shoulder and trying to get him to walk away with her. Harry turned around to leave the conversation before Draco said: 'Don't talk to me like that!' Malfoy already had his fist up and Harry was preparing for the hit he was about to take but before they realized, someone grabbed Malfoy's arm to prevent the smack from happening.

'A great way to begin the school year with...,' said a low, hard voice sarcastic. The Draco boy turned around to see a big man towering above him, looking at him with one eyebrow raised.

'Pr-professor Snape, I apologize for my behavior. I didn't mean it like that,' said Draco with a biberish voice.

(Y/N) tried to hold in her laugh, it was quite funny seeing Draco struggle to come out his words like that. Of course Snape noticed this because it was Snape and nothing could get away with him. I saw Draco flinch as Professor Snape squeezed harder in the arm of Draco. He gave (Y/N) an angry look before he turned to Draco and Harry again. 'This will certainly not be forgotten about. We will talk about this at school.' There was a moment of silence before Snape let go the arm and turned his heels and walked away. Draco looked at Harry for a few seconds before he left. 'Harry! What were you thinking!? Don't ever do that again,' said Hermione with a worried yet angried voice. 

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