Chapter 12 (her first time)

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'(Y/N), i'm so sorry! I would never want to upset you like this and I didn't mean it like that. Can we please talk?'

A tear rolled down her face and she didn't say anything. Snape stared at her and then at the hand she had placed on her wrist with a tissue under it. His eyes went big and he pulled (Y/N) in a hug in one second.

'Darling, I know how you feel but this is never the answer. I'm sorry for upsetting you so much that you felt the need to do this. Please, forgive me. I'm so sorry.' (Y/N) tried to speak but nothing came out of her mouth. The tears started rolling again and Snape pulled her tighter to his chest.

'Don't worry, you're safe now.' They stood there in front of the bathroom, hugging each other and enjoying the moment. (Y/N) let's go off the hug: ' doesn't stop.' Snape looked at her arm with worry on his face as he slowly pulled the hand from (Y/N) away to see how bad the damage was. She didn't want to see the look on his face so she looked to the other side and heard Snape gasp a bit. He tried to hold it in but it was heartbreaking to see her do this to herself.

'I don't have my wand with me but darling, I will help you.' He took some tissues and wetted them under the sink.

'Give me your arm.' (Y/N) stook out her arm and he dabbed on the cuts she created and she held her other hand for her mouth, trying not to scream from pain.

'I'm sorry,' he said. He dabbed on (Y/N)s wrist until nothing came out anymore.

'I will give this a closer look later because we don't want it to infect.' He gazed in her eyes and she gazed in his. She puts her forehead against his without breaking eye contact.

'(Y/N), I like you and I just didn't want you to think I only want you to...fuck or something. Please understand that.'

'Yes I understand and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I was doing this. I was just angry at you, sorry.'

'Don't apologize darling.' They looked at each other for one more moment before he gave a big kiss on her mouth.

'For now, it may be best to get you to your dormitory. You need sleep.'

They walked hand in hand through the hallways, going to the dormitory. (Y/N) was glad that she finally knows how he feels about her even with what happened after that.

They arrived in front of the common room. 'Good night. I see you tomorrow,' he said and gave a small kiss on her forehead. She giggled. 'Goodnight Severus.' Snape cracked a smile upon hearing the sound of his name. They let go of each other's hands and (Y/N) sneaked back in her dormitory.

-------------------------------time skip potions class----------------------------

'You missed breakfast,' Hermione said as I sat down besides her. 'I didn't want to wake you up because you slept so peacefully.' she smiled.

'Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night and was too tired.' Professor Snape walked in and some people were still loudly chatting.

'Silence!' The class fell empty as Snape walked to the front, to his desk. 'Today we will keep going with the theory we studied last time. Turn to page 394.' This was going to be a long day after all that had happened. She was extremely tired even after the extra hour or two she got from skipping breakfast.

The class went on but (Y/N) slowly fell asleep a few times, hoping that Professor Snape didn't see it and giving her detention. Luckily she went through the class without any comment about why she wasn't paying attention. Hermione and (Y/N) agreed to go to the library after this class but when they walked out at the end of the 90 minutes someone said her name: 'Miss (L/N), may I talk to you for a second?' They waited until it was just (Y/N) and Professor Snape left.

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