Chapter 5 (Yule ball ariving)

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(Y/N)s pov:

------------------------------------time skip few weeks--------------------------------

Nothing much happened the last few days. I have been avoiding Lockhart as much as i could but he was still creeping me out. Luckily I was never alone with him in a room or space because I always made sure there was someone with me.

(Y/N) and the rest were sitting at the dinner table chatting with each other.

'I don't want to say this to you (Y/N), but i think someone has a little crush on you,' said Ron.

'What are you talking about Ron!?' He pointed his finger at the Professors table and I saw Snape looking at me. He again had that same worried face as the day he maybe saw my cuts. He hadn't talked to me about it yet and it's already been a couple of days so i assumed he didn't see it. But this looked made me doubt it again.

'Oh shut up,' I said while giving Ron a small punch against his arm.

When I suddenly felt someone tapping on my back. 'Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you?' I looked behind me to see Draco standing there a little nervous. I gave a glimpse at my friends who didn't say anything and just ignored it.

'Under four eyes please,' he said, even more nervous than before. I got up and followed Draco to the hallways.

'What do you want Draco,' I said. Making it clear I wasn't really interested in this conversation I was about to have.

'I know we ended things on bad terms last year. But i was wondering if you could give me a second chance?'

I looked surprised. (Y/N) didn't see this coming. There was an awkward moment of silence before he began speaking again.

'Look I get it, you need time to think. Don't worry. I will wait for your answer,' he smiled softly and before I knew it i got a kiss on my cheek and after that he walked away back to the dining hall. I wasn't done eating yet but I went to my room at Gryffindor. Not really wanting to talk to anyone right now. Not because of what happened with Malfoy but just because she didn't have enough energy at the moment to put on a happy smile.

I looked around the room to make sure no one was there as I carefully pulled my shirt up to look at the damage I had done the other day. I was having a bad day then and I just had to do it...It didn't look good and (Y/N) was afraid it might have or get an infection. She wished she could just go to one of the Professors or someone else but sadly, she couldn't. Knowing she would be sent back to home if they would ever find out.

The door swung open and Hermione came in with a glowing face. I quickly pulled down my shirt.

'What are you so happy about?' I asked

'Ron! He asked me to the Yule Ball.' My eyes went big. I completely forgot about that! It was next week if I wasn't wrong.

'Wait are you serious!? I'm so happy for you.' I got up from my bed and gave Hermione the biggest hug ever. This lasted for a few seconds before she said: 'You can let go now (Y/N),' while she was laughing.

'Oh yeah sorry!' i laughed.

The night flew by as it was almost time for bedtime. Hermione and I said goodnight to the boys before heading down to our rooms. I was lucky that Hermione was my roommate because we were also best friends. I changed into my sweatpants and a hoodie. I would rather not sleep in a hoodie but I didn't have much of a choice in my circumstances.

'Goodnight Hermione.'

'Goodnight (Y/N),' was the last thing we said to each other before we both fell in a deep sleep. 

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