Chapter 24 (Planning escape)

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Days had gone past and (Y/N) was slowly losing her mind. Even though Severus came to visit her everyday in the dungeons and brought her food sometimes, she didn't know if she was ready to forgive him. (Y/N) protested once to show him that what he was doing was not okay by letting her food on the plate and crossing her arms, refusing to eat. But that didn't work because he would just shove the food in her mouth while begging her to eat. She saw in his eyes that he was truly sorry but why hadn't he done anything yet.

Her feet hitting the cold stones from the dungeon used to scare her but now it was (Y/N)s only safe place. Lucius and Bellatrix were still having fun with her occasionally. Not in a weird way but they liked to drive her mad and it worked. She hasn't seen Draco since the night she came and he probably didn't want to get involved in the things his family did.

Her knees were pulled up against her stomach and (Y/N) was shivering from the cold just like always. Her clothes started to get dirty faster than expected and it wasn't a pretty sight to see her like that.

Her hair was knotted and it looked like she had a birds nest. The bags under her eyes were almost blue and purple and looked like someone had hit her in the face. (Y/N) cheek still hurted from the last encounter with Lucius and Bellatrix. Severus wasn't there to witness it. Her skinny pale arms were holding her legs together, making sure they are as close as could be and her head was hidden in the darkness they provided.

(Y/N)s head shot up when she heard footsteps coming closer. The metal 'door' opened and just like everyday, Severus was standing there with pity in his eyes and a glass of water with some food on a plate. They looked in each other's eyes, (Y/N) not moving a single muscle. Severus scraped his throat and walked towards her, putting the food and water in front of her. She waited for him to go away again but he didn't, he stood there as if he was waiting for her to say something or for something to happen.

'(Y/N),' - he tried to continue but (Y/N) raised her hand in front of her saying: 'Don't start this bullshit now. You have been ignoring me for the past days so don't expect anything from me anymore. I'm done with you.'

She wished that she didn't mean the words that were flowing out of her mouth like she prepared it but it was true. Severus didn't speak to her for god knows how long and suddenly he tries again, after all the things he has done.

He gave a small sigh and squatted in front of her. He probably didn't have much time to talk either because Lucius will think it's suspicious. Of course he knew about their 'relationship' they had before she came here but he thought it was over. At least, that was what Severus made him think and it might actually be true right now. He couldn't blame her for not wanting to speak to her or ever wanting to see him again after this is all over. He felt guilty, guilty for not being able to get (Y/N) out of this place.

Severus noticed the red burn on her left cheek and reached out with his hand to touch it, but the moment he did, she flinched away and buried her head in her knees with her arms around her hugging herself.

'Don't' he heard her mumble.

Severus was clueless and didn't know what to do. He wanted to save her and get her out of here but that would have consequences, not only for him but also for her. Lucius will find out that she's gone and would immediately point out his finger at Severus saying he did it. Lucius and his family will come after Severus and (Y/N), trying to make their life a living hell to the point they won't even want to live anymore.

He hesitated to say something to her after her: don't. But decided it was better to leave her alone and not make things worse. He gave one last look at the weak girl on the ground before turning his back to her and exiting.

'Severus. Glad you could join us.' Lucius was sitting at the table with Narcissa, Draco and Bellatrix. It was dinner time and Severus was furious at Lucius for the way he treated her but couldn't say anything. It was mild for a man like him and they treated a lot of people like this. For Merlin's sake, they killed people! It would be weird to speak up about it now.

He coughed a bit before sitting down, trying to hide his uncomfortableness.

'Wouldn't want to miss it,' he said casually.

The dinner went by fast and Draco was already excused from the table followed by Narcissa, leaving only Bellatrix, Lucius and him.

'We actually wanted to talk to you.' Severus' eyes met him and he raised an eyebrow.

'What is it?'

Bellatrix was quiet but he could see a small grin on her face which wasn't very promising that it would be good news.

'The girl has been here for too long. We don't see any use in her so we decided it was best to let her free.' Severus looked at him with a stern face. Did he mean that? Was he letting (Y/N) free without any attachments. That couldn't be true and there must be more to the story.

'Continue,' he said. It would be unlike Lucius to do that.

'We want to get rid of her. Forever.'

A few seconds had gone by and it was finally hitting him. They wouldn't let her free, they are planning to kill her. He tried to hide his panic with his occlumency.

'Can't we just....let her free without,' he swallowed before continuing: 'without....killing her?' Lucius was expecting him to react this way. They had been close and he knew that but it was the only way. They always killed them when they were done and it would be weird to make an exception.

'You know we can't.' Severus gave a small nod at his response.

'We promise we'll make it quick and painless for her. It will be over in a second,' said Bellatrix. Lucius glared at her and if looks could kill, she would be dead right now. Severus stood up from his chair and scraped it over the floor, walking out of the room without further argument and his cloak following gracefully behind him. He had to get her out of here, tonight. 

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