Chapter 19 (trouble)

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Sorry, this is going to be a short chapter! I've been struggling with my mental health a bit these past few days but anyways, I hope you enjoy it!

She tried to hide her smile when she walked in for breakfast. Of course she already ate but (Y/N) didn't want to look suspicious so she still decided to go. Severus on the other hand, didn't go and stayed in his personal quarters.

'Hello.' She sat down and Hermione and Harry looked a bit pissed when she arrived. (Y/N) looked back at them with a confused expression.

'Where in Merlin's sake have you been!?' Harry broke the silence and she knew he wasn't angry but just worried.

'I told you, I was tired and went to my dormitory.' Her eyes went big when she realized what she said. (Y/N) spent the whole night with Severus! Hermione must have discovered (Y/N) wasn't in her room and was gone the entire night.

'Stop lying to us. We know you weren't there,' Hermione said after (Y/N) still haven't come clean about where she actually was. How could she possibly escape out of this situation!?

'Well actually, I-' (Y/N) stumbled over her words trying to find a way out but for the first time in her life, the little girl was clueless.

She began with fidgeling on her robe with her fingers and avoided any eye contact from the three. What on earth could she possibly tell them! She sighed and tried to make up her mind, either she would tell them the truth and cause a likely suspension from Hogwarts or keep her mouth shut. The second one sounded safer but she first had to get herself out of the position she was currently in.

'I can't say it right here. I will say it later when we are back in our dorms.' The questions stopped and from the look of the golden trio, they accepted this offer. This way (Y/N) could buy herself a bit more time to come up with the perfect excuse even though she would rather not lie to her best friends, it gave her no choice.

The only way to bring (Y/N)s mind to peace was to read in a quiet place. In other words, the library.

Of course there was a high chance that Hermione, known as the bookworm, would be there but (Y/N) gave it a shot. As she arrived at the library, almost nobody was there except for a few people she had never seen before. Her eyes gazed over the thousands of racks filled with books.

(Y/N) always felt drawn to the restricted area where the rarest and dangerous books were kept safe, out of the hands from any child with bad intentions. Her fingers went down the spine of a book she thought made a statement. She continued to slowly get the book out of the place it stood and read the cover, advanced potions.

(Y/N) already read this one but it didn't matter as it was without fail a favorite book from her.

She got lost in the book before someone else entered the library and she looked up from her book which caused (Y/N) to lose her one sprinkle of attention to the potion she was presently reading about.

He coughed softly before placing his hands on a chair and dragging it next to the girl. It remained silent for a few more seconds and she was avoiding eye contact with the man sitting in front of her.

'What are you reading Miss (L/N)' Snape made himself comfortable on the chair and crossed his legs, leaning backwards with his hands intertwined with each other. The famous brow (Y/N) knew too well, raised and his onyx eyes pierced through her. Other people would be frightened by this intimidated look and cold face but (Y/N) knew better than that.

She closed the book, allowing Severus to read the cover and he got a little smirk on his face that he tried to suppress.

'I see. If you need any is always given to whom to ask it.' These words made her smile.

(Y/N) had never seen a person this attractive and handsome. The calming yet intimidating voice was a thing she loved about him. How he furrowed his eyebrows when someone made a stupid comment in his potions class and his robes danting behind Snape as he walked. (Y/N) could already imagine a future with this black, greasy haired man even though he would probably not want that.

Their children would have his hair and her glowing eyes.

The fantasy quickly stopped after Severus said something: 'You think my hair is greasy?' He smirked when (Y/N) gasped. He was in her mind! Now that she had her full attention in her real life again, (Y/N)s eyes widened as she thought of the trouble she had caused.

'Sir, I said to Harry, Hermione and Ron I was going to bed last night in my Gryffindor dormitory but they figured out I wasn't there. They demanded an explanation but I can't just say that...' Her sentence stopped because (Y/N) couldn't say that out loud. Even though there was no one in their surroundings, it was too risky.

'I got an idea,' Snape said. 

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