Chapter 17 (secret)

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'Well well, look who is coming.' Ron and Harry were in the common room in front of a fireplace that was already half dead. Ron tried not to smile when he saw (Y/N) and Hermione walking into the room, looking at the bag she tried to hide behind her back. Oh bloody hell, this girl is making so much trouble.

Hermione sat down next to Ron and gave him a small kiss while (Y/N) quickly went to her dormitory to unpack the bag, hoping that they didn't see what kind of store they visited. She couldn't wait to see Severus' reaction as he would take off her shirt, looking at the matching set with lace. Now that she thought about it, she hasn't seen him all day! Maybe she could visit him after dinner.

Dumbledore gave a small speech before everybody started eating. (Y/N) didn't really listen to what he said but she was sure it wouldn't be that important. She had her mind somewhere else, Severus. Her heart began racing harder at the thought of seeing him tonight, at the same time she was nervous. Maybe he would reject her because he's scared that someone else might have caught them. They were lucky that Ron shuts his mouth about it, but she was sure not everyone would deal with it as well as Ron.

How much she craved the touch of him right now. Snape had this special gift that made (Y/N) feel like everything was going to be okay. Not to mention this was the longest she has been clean from cutting!

She continued with eating as she gazed up a couple of times, to the professors table. At some moment she even captured Snape already staring at her. (Y/N) tried to read the emotion of his face bust just like always, there was not much to explore. He was too good at hiding it.

She saw Snape getting up from his table and walking out the great hall.

'Uhm- I think i'm going to go to my dormitory. I'm a bit tired.' (Y/N) said as she stood up and straightened her skirt down. Ron, Harry and Hermione looked at her but didn't say anything.

'See you there!' Ron said as only one.

He probably did know where she was going because also he noticed that Snape left dinner.


The black cloak swept after the man who was quickly pacing through the corridors. She tried to keep up with her little legs but she got out of breath pretty fast, at the fact that she was running at this point.

'Hello!?' She stood still, trying to catch her breath and Professor Snape finally stopped walking. He slowly turned around, looking at a girl who had her hands on her hips and breathing loudly.

'Damn, how fast can you walk.' Snape tried his hardest not to smirk at this comment but he couldn't help himself and did either way.

'What is it, miss (L/N)' (Y/N) looked up in confusion but giggled a bit after finding out it was a joke, looking at the face of Snape.

'I missed you.'

She got up her toes, almost reaching the height of Snape. He kneeled a bit through his knees and wrapped his strong, cold hands around her, picking her up from the ground.

'I missed you too darling.' With those words, he leaned in for a kiss and (Y/N) didn't deny this kiss. They were strongly making out in the corridors, that wasn't the smartest move but they couldn't care less.

The kiss got interrupted when she pulled away.

'Professor, could you help me with something. I don't understand the assignment we have to make.' Snape understood what she wanted.

'Of course! Maybe it will be better if I just show my chamber?'

'I would like that sir.' Severus put her down on the ground and together they walked to the personal chamber from Snape.

The door closed behind them as they both stepped in the room.

'Now, what was your question again?' He smirked and pulled her closer to him. Her lips met his as Snape followed the figure of her body with his hands, resting it on her hips. The breathing started getting heavier and Severus walked backwards until he hit the bed with his legs.

(Y/N) got a big smile on her face as she pushed him on the bed. Snape looked surprised, what made this foolish girl think that she could get in control!?

'Sassy today, aren't ya?' He tried to pull himself up a bit by placing his elbows on the bed. (Y/N) took matters in her own hand and started to undress herself.

To make Snape crazy, she did it as slowly as she could. She pulled up her shirt and after that her skirt. This was the moment she has been waiting for, Severus' reaction. As predicted, he started to smile and (Y/N) walked over to the bed, topping him.

'Is this, all for me,' he said with hunger in his eyes. He wanted more so bad, it was incredible what one single person could do to him. She had so much power over him that he sometimes even scared himself by thinking about how much she had.

(Y/N) smashed her lips on his and their tongues started fighting for dominance which as always, Snape won.

She was still on top of him and it surprised (Y/N) that he didn't already pinned her down on the bed. The cloak came off slowly and she started unbuttoning the blouse he had on. (Y/N) slided her warm, soft hands over the chest from Severus as she continued kissing him.

Snape eventually made a quick movement which placed (Y/N) now on the bottom and him on top.

'You didn't really think I was going to let you do that?' He smiled and he kissed down on her neck. Leaving small bruises on her collarbone while she moaned.

'Oh sev.' Her hands found their way to the belt and she slowly unbuckled it. Snape stripped his pants down which led to him only in his boxer.

(Y/N) already wanted to lose the boxers to put Severus pushed her hands away. She looked at him with a pouty face.

'What's wrong?' He sighed as he got off her and laid next to her in the bed.

'There are some things you don't know about me yet....I think we should first get to know each other better because, what if there are things you don't like about me and then you leave me.' (Y/N) heard the nervousness in his voice.

'Whatever it is, I will never stop loving you.' He looked at her while she said it. Eyes locked and the world around them stopped. It wasn't huge but did she just say she loves him? It wasn't the exact words but she sort of did say it. She wondered if Snape noticed.

'I love you too,' he said softly which made it almost impossible to hear it. The words overfled with silence that lasted a couple of minutes.

He stood up and (Y/N) scanned his body. He still had his boxers on but furthermore he wasn't in his cloak or ten layers of clothing.

Now that she got a closer look at him, her eyes widened. How could she not notice last time! She tried to find the right words as she stared at his legs.

Her eyes followed the straight lines that were crossed on his legs horizontally. It wasn't something that you could see at first sight but now she couldn't stop seeing it. The white lines were everywhere, some worse than others.


She stumbled on her words and her look went back to his eyes. His face had a neutral expression but his eyes said something else, scared and worried. 

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