Chapter 40

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(A/N- I was thinking about making a part two where Severus lost his memory from the last five years or so. He'll wake up in the hospital wing after the war and won't remember his relationship with (Y/N) so they would have to fall in love with each other again. Comment your thoughts and whether you want a part two. I'm also nearing to the end with this one) 

(Y/N) smelled the scent of fresh scones and immediately cracked open an eye to see breakfast on her nightstand. She would've guessed it was Severus but he was still fast asleep next to her in bed so it must have been one of the cheeky house elves.

She sat up straight with her back against the headboard and admired her....what were they anyway? She knew that Severus would scowl at her for calling him her boyfriend and it wasn't like they made it official yet. Sex buddies would be too informal but her partner would be too intimate. She reached out to swipe the abonded black lock out of his face and watched the peaceful expression. (Y/N) almost cried at the chance of losing him during the battle that was drawing near with each day passing by. She took a sip of her pumpkin juice and gently shook Severus awake. He mumbled something unintelligent under his breath and turned away from her voice saying he had to wake up.
'Don't you have class today?' Severus' eyes widened and he abruptly stood up.

'Yes, of course. Excuse me.' He practically ran to the bathroom after casting a tempus to see the time. Looks like he didn't have more than ten minutes before his first one would start. She chuckled softly.

The shower was turned off rather quickly and a dripping wet man came out with a towel loosely draped around his hips.
'Where are my clothes?' She pointed towards the chair in the corner where the robes were neatly piled up. The last couple of days, he was starting to be more forgettable and more stressed. He dressed quickly while giving her a small glance at his body and licked her lips. She already knew what they were going to do when he was done with classes today.

He disappeared through the door while (Y/N) was still in bed enjoying and savouring the scones that were made perfectly as always. She had noticed Severus was more uptight and barely lowered his walls. She couldn't blame her with the battle and all the stress he had as a double spy, from what she heard. There were still so many people in the order and Hogwarts who doubted that he was really on the light side now. People accused him of switching sides in the final seconds and betraying them all. But (Y/N) knew better, he wouldn't do that.

She finished breakfast, got dressed and scanned the shelves with books for a new one. The previous one was interesting but she had read it multiple times by now, mesmerizing almost every word. There was a small voice in the back of her head who begged to secretly sneak out of the quarters and perhaps hang out with her friends for a while, but it was risky. No matter how much she missed Hermione, Ron and Harry, she wouldn't betray the trust Dumbledore had given her with leaving her alone here. Not to mention that Severus may never trust her ever again, which was even more important to her. (Y/N) carefully picked out a book and settled herself on the sofa. However, her own anxiety stopped her from concentrating on the words she read. Even though she doubted she would have to do anything, there was still the big question whether they would actually win. There was a chance, they would lose and Voldemort would be ruling over the wizarding world. They would be doomed. Severus may still be a 'loyal servant' to Voldemort but would secretly suffer in pain until the day he died. (Y/N) would probably be tortured and murdered once they found out about her relationship with him. Things would go....dark within a matter of seconds. Harry would be- There was a knock on the door she assumed was Severus. Hours went by while she was deep in thought and her stomach rumbled, begging for food. However, his class wouldn't be over for another 80 minutes. She frowned and stayed quiet, only for another few knocks on the wooden door. Perhaps it was just Dumbledore. (Y/N) took a deep breath and walked over to it in a few steps with her ear against it.

'I know you're there (Y/N). I've figured it out.' That wasn't the voice from Severus, nor the voice of Dumbledore. She swore under her breath when she finally caught up with the words and knew she was discovered. Slowly, she opened the door with a creak to see nothing there but an empty corridor.

'Behind you.' (Y/N) was startled at the sudden change of the voice that was almost breathing in her ear. She closed the door and looked around the room for a sign of....a human. Then, a head became visible and slowly more was being revealed. The invisibility cloak fell on the ground and she almost cried out from happiness at seeing Ron's face.


'You're really alive?' He almost ran towards her and pulled her into a hug.

'I've missed you so much! You don't even know how sad everyone was when they heard the news.' Something flickered in her eyes at the mention of everyone thinking she's dead. But at least Ron was here.

'Sit down,' she ordered while walking towards the kitchen and making tea.

Once they sat on the sofa with two cups of steaming tea in their hands, Ron began to talk.

'What happened?' (Y/N) cleared her throat.

'I was at Malfoy Manor for a long time but Sev- Professor Snape got me out but they had to believe he handled business like he said he would.' A moment of awkward silence fell and Ron snorted at the worst possible timing. (Y/N) glared at him.


'You know I already know your little secret, (Y/N). How are you holding up with that greasy git anyway?' She narrowed her eyes even more, almost pinching them shut and stuck out her tongue.

'Don't call him that. Whilst the last couple of days are amazing, he's very uptight about the battle and I can't blame him for that. I'm getting more worried as well. But, despite the circumstances, it's going rather well.' She smirked at the memory of last night while Ron only examined the change of expression on her face.

'I think it's going a bit better than: 'Rather well' as you state it.' She laughed and nodded in her teacup.

'Maybe. So what's up with you?'

They talked for quite a bit longer, totally forgetting the time while Ron told stories about how Hermione and Harry are doing. The door was pulled open and he almost fell off the couch at the sound. He held his heart as if it would spring out while he observed the open door. (Y/N) followed his gaze to see Severus with his back towards them, probably not even having spotted Ron yet.

'That redheaded Weasley kid failed to attend every single class he had today. Of course Minerva gave me the task to find him. Blasted Gryffindor. Where's that map when you need it?' He rummaged through the shelves and finally turned around at not one, but two people on his couch.

'You're the one who has the Marauders map?' Ron said shocked, but it was nothing compared to the shock written on Severus' face. His eyes then darted towards (Y/N) and then back at Ron for a few times. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. He stood there, frozen. The silence in the room was unbearable and quite awkward, softly stated. He marched over to Ron, gripped him by the collar and yanked him off the sofa.

'What are you doing here? Who told you?' Ron only looked at him and blinked. He tried to turn his head to (Y/N) who quietly watched the show. Severus was furious and she could tell. She wanted to say that Ron wasn't a threat and hadn't told anyone else yet but was interrupted by Severus pushing him against the wall. His hand still gripped the collar of his robes and his face was only inches away from his.

'I. Asked. You. A. Question. Answer me!'

'-I haven't told anyone. I just figured it out. I swear.' Ron's voice was filled with hesitation and it cracked mid sentence like he was afraid. (Y/N) tried to hide her smile at the scared face and Severus finally let go of him, but not before giving him a long death stare.


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