Chapter 6 (late night walk)

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(Y/N)s pov:

'Class dismissed. Miss (L/N), can i talk to you for a minute?'

'Yeah absolutely sir.' I walked over to the desk of Professor Snape as I stood in front of him with the desk in the middle of us. He walked towards me.

'Miss (L/N), you have been very naughty today. Not paying enough attention to my class. What were you thinking about?'

'I'm afraid i can't tell you that sir. It would have been inappropriate but i'm sure that if you would have known, you wouldn't have been disappointed in what you saw.'

'Is that so?' He said with a low, soft voice. He came closer to my face. I could feel his breath against my cheek which I enjoyed. I wanted more. I tried to kiss him because I couldn't resist anymore but he quickly pulled his face away with a small smirk.

'Are you teasing me Severus?'

'Young lady, it's Professor for you,' he said and after that moment. He kissed me full on my lips. He licked the bottom of my lip, begging to come in. I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue slipt inside. Our tongues were fighting over dominance. Which of course, he won. His big hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer even though it was the closest we could get. I positioned my hand in his hair and the other one in his neck. We kissed full passionately. He pulled away from the kiss and said: 'Are you ready?'

I smiled at him. Knowing what is coming next.

My breathing was fast and my heart was pounding in my chest. It was dark in the room and I couldn't see anything. What just happened? Was that a dream...of Snape. Did I kiss Snape?! Did I enjoy it? All these questions run through my mind. I knew I couldn't sleep so I looked over at my alarm clock. Shit, it was 1 0'clock. I decided to clear my mind by going on a walk outside even though it was already past the time limit. I sighed and got up. (Y/N) knew it was going to be cold outside so she changed in some jeans and put a coat over her hoodie.

I opened the door softly so I wouldn't wake up Hermione or anyone else who might hear it. I closed the door with the same softness as I opened it and snuck outside. I was now in the common Gryffindor Room. I had to be extra careful here because everybody could hear me. I tiptoed to the exit and before I knew it, I was standing in the hallway without getting caught.

I wanted to go outside so I walked down the hallways. Of course I would not expect anyone else to be here. The moment (Y/N) was thinking that she bumped into someone.

'You should really watch your step miss (L/N)' (Y/N) look up in fear. No, this can't be real? Was this who I thought it was?! I rubbed my eyes to see I was not dreaming, hoping I would now wake up in my bed. But no, she was still standing there in front of Lockhart.

'I'm so sorry sir. I ummm, i'm going back to bed right now,' i said, trying to avoid a conversation with this man.

'What about that deal we made?' He said, smirking. His smile wasn't attractive or anything like that, it was scary. Not like the smile of Snape, not that he smiles. Stop! Don't think about him!

'I think i'm going to pass that offer,' I said with a scared voice. Professor Lockhart noticed the tone of my voice which made him smile even more. That bastard enjoyed it!?

I turned my heels and began walking away but he stopped me. He grabbed my wrist while I was struggling against it.

'I don't want this Professor,' I said. My wrist started burning again and I felt blood dripping down my arm. Luckily Lockhart didn't see this as he was too busy trying to assault me!

'Please let go.'

He pushed me against the wall with a fast speed which hurted my back. I felt tears in the back of my eyes. I knew I would cry if he kept this up. He pinned my hands against the wall and that made me powerless. I couldn't move and I had no options anymore. His lips were almost touching mine. I almost had to vomit at the idea of him kissing me. Right at that moment, he kissed me. He tried to sneak in my mouth with his tongue but I pressed my lips on each other making it impossible for him to get in. He growled in an annoyed way. Tears were falling down my face and I just wanted this to be over.

He removed his belt from his pants with one hand and the other hand held my wrists tight above me. He was busy unzipping his pants and gave me a quick kiss before he got back to unzipping his pants again.

'You're gonna love this.'

I tried to scream for help at that point. Hoping someone would hear me.

'Help!? Please help me,' I screamed while the tears were still running.

'They aren't gonna hear you my little slut.'

At that moment I heard footsteps running towards us. lockhart looked up as he stared right in the eyes of the one and only Professor from the potions. Professor Snape.

'What do you think you're doing!? Get your filthy hands off her.'

'Calm down, I was only joking. I wouldn't really do it,' Lockhart said while he still had his hand on my wrists.

'Piss off! Right now!' Snape yelled.

'Come on, you don't think I was serious right? (Y/N), tell him it was just a joke.'

I remained silent as Hartlock looked angry at me. He was probably going to let me pay for it later.

Snape frowned at me. He knew that it wasn't a joke. Lockhart disappeared after I didn't speak. The moment that he turned around the corner, Snape started talking.

'I am so, so, so sorry miss (L/N) for the way he acted! Are you feeling okay?'

I couldn't speak from the shock Lockhart left me with.

'Can you tell me what happened?' he asked. I was still unable to answer that question.

'Let's get you freshen up, shall we?' He stuck out his hand, waiting for me to touch it. I laid my hand in his, following him down the halls with no idea where we were going. 

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