Chapter 11 (fighting)

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'What was that all about? With Professor Snape. I mean you didn't do anything, did you?' Ron asked me while I sat in the common room reading a book.

'Honestly Ron, I have no idea what he wanted. He asked if I made my potion correctly and that was all.' Ron was deep in his thoughts thinking about why he couldn't just say that in class. That moment he got a huge smirk on his face. (Y/N) looked at Ron and sighed.

'Just say what you are thinking!'

'What if Snape is your loved one. Oehhh.' (Y/N) began laughing.

'Shut up! Bloody hell, I would never.' she said but secretly it would be pretty cool if it was him. That would explain the Whiskey. Maybe she should go ask him even though he would probably not say anything about it. He was a very mysterious man and you couldn't just read the emotions of his face. You had to look at the gates of the soul, the eyes. (Y/N) giggled and Ron noticed.

'What are you smiling about?' (Y/N) blushed slightly.

'Kinda private. Keep your nose in your own business,' she said while she gave him a small punch on his shoulder.

(Y/N) had to wait till after the curfew for her to sneak out and go to Snape's chamber which was absolutely prohibited but she had to do it. There was no other way to talk to him. After they had that conversation about it, (Y/N) noticed Snape tried to avoid her.

'Hi guys!' someone said, coming into the common room. When Ron and (Y/N) looked up they saw Harry and Hermione come in. They studied in the library for something almost all day and (Y/N) knew Ron was a bit jealous. Hermione sat on the couch next to Ron, obviously, and Harry sat down next to (Y/N).

They talked for a bit but it was getting late so they went to the dormitory. (Y/N) said her final good night to Hermione who was sleeping in the same room and waiting for her to fall asleep so she could sneak out. It was not the best option after all that happened with Lockhard and of course Snape would just send her back to her dormitory.

Half an hour later it was completely silent and to make sure Hermione was really sleeping, she whispered her name: 'Hermione, are you still awake?' No response so that must mean she was already in a deep sleep. It's time now! (Y/N) thought by herself. She slipped out of her bed and got changed into something decent. She didn't want Snape to see her in her nightwear. She realised a big breath she didn't know she even had and softly snuck out, hoping (Y/N) did not wake anyone.

Walking through the corridors, looking at the dark view she saw in the windows, (Y/N) was on her way to Snape. She knew his chamber was at his classroom so she would just knock on that door. That was her only plan and if he wouldn't answer she would wait in front of the door.

Her hand was a few centimeters apart from the big door, hesitating if (Y/N) should really do this. She knocked a few times, there was no going back now but there was no answer. She sighed and didn't know what to do now until she heard a deep voice behind her.

'And what are you doing here miss (Y/N) (L/N)? In these late nights you shouldn't be wandering around like that.' She turned her heels to look up at the man who only wears black.

'Sorry sir but I would like to speak to you for a moment?' Snape thought for a few seconds. As her teacher, he should probably let her in because it was dangerous to be here alone.

'Follow me.'

(Y/N) was surprised by this answer and followed him into his classroom to his chamber.

'So, what brings you here?' he said while (Y/N) sat on the couch and Professor Snape making some tea. She wanted to ask him about his Amortentia but she first had to figure out if it was really him she scented. She had no other choice than to ask the one question that Professor Snape would not like.

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