Chapter 44

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They hadn't done much during the day. Most of the hours were spent with (Y/N)'s body between Severus' legs and her head on his chest. Severus was reading a book with his soothing voice and she slowly drifted away a few times. Eventually they were both tired and went to bed.

The tension and worry was back once more. It was hard for them to sleep when you didn't know when the attack would come. Of course, Severus was a spy but even that wasn't told by Voldemort for obvious reasons. This time, unlike other nights, (Y/N) had wrapped her arms around him while his head was on her shoulder. Their legs were intertwined with each other and neither of them took the effort to tangle them apart. It was quiet in the bedroom even though they were both clearly awake. She couldn't be fooled with his even breathing, she knew he was worried as much as she was.

It wasn't even a couple of hours later, three at night to be exact, when a noise woke them up. Severus looked exhausted, with dark bags under his eyes and his skin paler than usual. They looked at one another in fright.

'It's beginning,' he whispered. He stepped out of bed and threw on all his layers of clothes while (Y/N) was still waking up and adjusting to the situation.

'Wait! What do I do?' She stumbled out of bed and cast the light on. She grabbed some clothes out of the wardrobe and followed Severus to the living room. The noises were getting louder and the floo burst to life to reveal Dumbledore.

'Get here as quick as you can.' The normal gentle, blue eyes were now dark and filled with the thoughts of whether they would survive or not.

'Stay here.' He said with a stern tone. Her heart was beating so quickly it was impossible to understand him. The quiet night was interrupted by danger and the sound of spells firing upon Hogwarts. She tried to stop herself from crying but the tears were already falling. It was so hectic around them. Lights flicked on and she saw that Severus was beaten down to it. (Y/N) couldn't stop the nagging feeling that something bad will happen. He saw her tears rolling over her cheeks and strode over to her. He cupped her face between his hands and wiped the tears away with his thumb and gave a small brush over her lips with his own.

'Don't worry. I'll be back.' He wanted to move away but she grabbed his wrist and pulled her towards her.

'I don't wanna lose you,'' she cried out. Something broke in Severus and she saw the glassy eyes that were holding his own tears. It was silent and they listened to everything around them for a moment. It was scary, dangerous and simply the worst feeling she ever experienced.

'I love you,' he whispered. She and him both knew he wasn't going to keep promises he couldn't hold. He couldn't say to her: I won't go anywhere. Because perhaps he would. Maybe this would be the last time they saw each other.

'I love you, too.' Her voice cracked and she could only watch when he threw the powder in the fireplace and disappeared.

There wasn't much to assure (Y/N) that everything was going to be okay. The only thing she could do was listen to the awful sounds around her. She paced back and forth in the living room and hoped things would turn out right and that they would win. The pacing quickened and she started to bite her nails in a failed attempt to calm herself down. It lasted over half an hour when there was rattling at the door. She snapped her head towards it and grabbed her wand. They had said it was unlikely someone would come here but apparently not. The only option was to hide, so she ran to the kitchen and hid herself in the cupboard. She had cast several spells to make sure it was locked. Footsteps appeared. It looked like they were looking for something.

'Oh, little girl! I know you're in here.' Her breath hitched. They figured out she was alive, but how? (Y/N) felt a sob trying to escape and held her hand in front of her mouth with her other hand still wrapped around the wand.

'Come out.' The footsteps were getting closer and started to open closets and other possibilities where a human could fit in. After a few minutes, it looked like he was giving up because there was a sigh and he walked towards the exit when he suddenly turned around and went to the kitchen. Tears were rolling down her face and it felt like she was going to die. Maybe she was. Maybe Severus would come back to get her after all of this was over just to find her body dead on the ground. A sob escaped her mouth and she could practically see the face on the other side smirking.

'Did I just hear something? Ah, looks like we found you, little girl.' He laughed. But it was sinister and cold. It was unsettling. Not the warmth filled laugh Severus would give her but the one people were scared of to hear. (Y/N) counted to three because she knew she was going to be discovered and sitting here wasn't going to help. She unlocked the cupboard and jumped out to tackle the figure. Unfortunately, he was way stronger so he only lost his balance a bit and swayed to the counter of the kitchen with all her weight on him.

'Fuck,' he sweared. He drew out his wand but not fast enough for (Y/N) who already shouted a spell.

'Sectumsempra.' Bloody gushes stained his robes and she saw the wet spots. He slumped a bit but didn't give in easily. (Y/N)'s eyes darted to his face but only to meet the death eater mask. She had never done this before. The only knowledge was the books she read and Severus who somewhat helped her learn some new ones for if she ever needed them. He pointed his wand at her and she heard the beginning of the words: 'Avada-' He was cut off by her quick yell: 'Avada Kedavra.' A bright, green light crawled out of the tip of her wand to the death eater. It was blinding and she almost looked away from the light but refused to give him the satisfaction. The body sagged down on the floor. (Y/N) couldn't help but stare. She gulped and sucked air into her lungs. The tears were now dry on her skin and her voice was hoarse. She killed someone. (Y/N) (L/N) had killed someone.

She couldn't stay here. (Y/N) looked down at the lifeless body. For a second, she debated with herself whether to remove the mask to see who it was. But decided against that. She didn't want to have the blood of him on her hands. Forever guilty. She snapped her head towards the open door. Run! Her mind screamed. Find Severus even though you promised to stay here and be safe. But it wasn't safe for her anymore. (Y/N) swallowed the painful lump in her throat and ran through the exit. 

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