Chapter 22 (dungeon)

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I looked around in the room that I was currently in. There was not much to explore and also not much to see due to the dim lighting of only one candle on a wooden table. It was cold and empty. The room had a few small pillars to probably save the place from crashing in. The ceiling was not so high and I figured that a normal sized person could not stand straight in here, with that I mean an adult.

I tried to stand with all the force I had left in my arms but my body resisted. It was for the best to stay on the cold ground instead of wasting all her energy she had left. Who knows, I would maybe need it for later. I tried to remember the last thing I saw but it was blank and it didn't get me any further to think about it. How long I passed out is also a riddle that was impossible to solve on her own. What in the bloody hell had happened and who did this to her. There was no reason for anyone to come after me. My time at Hogwarts was spent without getting into too much drama. Of course the only drama she encountered was her secret relationship, or whatever was going on between them, but was that really bad enough to bloody kidnap me and lock me up in this place she didn't know? The only thing she could hope for at the moment was that it was maybe already morning and someone would be looking for her and that person would probably be Severus.

I smiled at the thought of him and grinned a bit to myself. She was shagging the oh so mighty wizard that scared everybody off just by looking in their eyes or even in their direction. Even though he didn't tell much about his past yet, I was glad that he trusted me enough to even begin to talk about it. It must be hard for him and the rumours that she heard in the last years made her curiosity grow.

It was something about his father and mother but my mind was too tired to remember what it was. She did know from Dumbledore that his time at Hogwarts wasn't so great as it should be for a person.

She wasn't supposed to hear the conversation Dumbledore and McGonagall had but of course she had to know. It was past curfew and (Y/N) had to use the bathroom but she wanted to use the perfect's bathroom as always. There was just something about the forbidden ones that attracted her, even though it was just a bathroom but she was willing to risk detention to use it. When she heard them talking, she hid behind the corner of one of the corridors and eavesdropped them.

'Severus had been through enough pain and I'm not letting him do that, Albus.' It was McGonagall speaking, that was pretty easy to detect.

'Minerva, we don't have a choice. We both know what happened between the marauders and Severus but it's in the past and we have no other option.'

She had no idea what they were talking about and who the bloody hell 'the marauders' were. For a second, nobody spoke but someone took a deep breath before continuing talking: 'They were children and we can't undo the things that they have done to him. We need a defense against the dark arts professor and it's going to be Remus Lupin. Severus and him need to grow up and drop the hate to each other,' said Albus who was known as Dumbledore for the students.

'I suppose you're right. We are in desperate times at the moment. The last thing on our minds is the bullying Severus received from Remus and the rest. As you said, it was years ago.'

'We need to have a plan for the return of the dark lord. The students must be safe, that is our priority,' said Dumbledore.

She didn't quite understand what they were talking about but she did know that the dark lord was voldemort.

Either way, I was still proud of Severus for being so vulnerable to me and dropping his guards for once. The thing about the dark lord and his return was still something I haven't figured out yet. Of course I knew about the famous Harry Potter that was attending Hogwarts and how much Professor Snape detested him. Snape did not even try to hide it and it always made her smile a little bit.

Her belly made a rumbling noise once again and it wasn't a surprise to hear this. The cereals I so desperately wanted never came because before I could even enter the kitchen, my vision went black. Maybe she did make the kitchen after all but it was not something she could remember but of course, that whole night were memories put together by her mind. She was still half sleeping while going on her adventure for food. Maybe this was all just a dream and she would wake up in her bed soon enough! Oh who was she kidding, that wasn't going to happen. This is real.

Minutes were spent that felt like hours before a sound suddenly grabbed her attention. Was it someone who was going to rescue her? Or was this simply the end of her life and they just came to seal the deal and kill her.

She crossed her fingers, desiring to see the one she wanted in front of her. Her eyes gazed at the barriers that could also be used as a door, looking at the lock that was hanging on the other side. She could barely see passed the 'door' but she did notice the stairs that led upwards to something that was out of her eyesight.

Her heart started to pound heavier and her breath became irregular. (Y/N) took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down but it didn't do as much as she wished it did. The sound was more clearer now and it sounded like footsteps. The steps were coming closer and she finally saw someone coming down the stairs.

The first thing that caught my eye were his eyebrows. They were bushy and thick. His hair looked like a birds nest and not to mention his horrible teeth! He had a striped jacket that looked old and worned out. He should really get a new one and do something about his hair. His fingernails were long like he has never heard of nail clippers or something. The thought of him touching me almost made me throw up. Let's just hope he was just someone who gave her food and water.

'You, come with me.'

She struggled for a second to get up but once she stood, she followed him carefully. (Y/N) had no idea how dangerous he was and decided not to risk an escape. First, she would get to know them more and plot her way out of this dungeon.

They made it up the stairs and (Y/N) looked around seeing three people standing in front of her. One looked like Elsa. 

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