Chapter 45

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Since this is the last part....I'll upload it a bit earlier!

'Harry Potter is dead.' She was amongst the crowd, clutching her wand and bawling her eyes out. She had fought with the rest. She had gone looking for Ron, Hermione and Harry after that but couldn't find either of them. But now, she saw her best friend lying dead in Hagrid's arms. (Y/N) heard Ginny scream but didn't know what she said. It was filtered out. Where was Severus? Was the only thing on her mind.

It happened so quickly. Harry comes back to life again, Nagini being killed and the war being won. Families gathered together to help the injured ones. George was holding Ron tightly in his arms while they stared at the lifeless body of Fred. She wiped her own tears away and went looking for Hermione and Harry. Half of Hogwarts was destroyed. Dead bodies were littered everywhere you looked and the world had lost its colour. It looked gray and dark, nothing like that moment (Y/N) first arrived here in her first year. She remembered being so eager to learn about the magical world. It was strange how things could change so quickly within a blink.

They were outside, giving Ron privacy. They stared at the night together, Harry's arm protectively wrapped around Hermione's waist while she cried on his shoulder. amongst others and (Y/N) ran towards them.

'Harry, 'Mione.' They turned around at the same time. A huge grin broke from Harry's face and Hermione looked relieved.

'You'' She whispered. (Y/N) didn't stop running until she almost fell against them and pulled them in a crushing hug.

'I've missed you so much.' She muttered.

'We, too. Don't ever leave us like that again!' They stood like that for a minute and suddenly her eyes widened in realization that Severus hadn't returned yet. She let them go.

'Where's Professor Snape?' Hermione and Harry exchanged a look before Harry cleared his throat.

'In the Shrieking Shack.' (Y/N) looked at them both and set it for running. Why hadn't he returned yet? She ignored the painful stitch in her left side and the calls from her friends. Her lungs were about to explode when she finally arrived at the location. (Y/N) didn't know why, but she was afraid to see what she might see. Why wasn't he already at Hogwarts? Perhaps he wanted some time alone but it seemed unlike him. The moment she looked around, her heart sank. It wasn't what she wanted to see. It wasn't how it was supposed to end. She threw her hand in front of her mouth and sank down to her knees next to the body. Her vision was blurry but she could clearly see the red pool surrounding Severus who was on the wooden floor with his eyes closed. Nagini. The whole world came shattering down. Her entire reason to exist flew out of the window. (Y/N) knew, in that moment, that he would always be the one. But it seemed like life had other plans. Hermione and Harry came rushing in and one of them put a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head.

'That's what we were trying to tell you.' (Y/N) let her tears fall on the ground and she raised a shaking but gentle hand to his cheekbone. She felt the looks burning in her back from her friends who were probably wondering what was going on.

'It wasn't supposed to end like this. I'm sorry I couldn't do more,' she muttered at Severus. She leaned over and brushed her lips over his for a quick second. Harry and Hermione gasped and wanted to say something but (Y/N) was earlier.

'Merlin. I love you so much. I-I wouldn't know what to do without you. You said it was going to be okay. You said you were going to come back for me. You lied.' She cried out.

'Goddamnit! You lied, you bastard. I loved you and you left me.' Her voice cracked and she didn't even care if her hands were now covered in his blood. The exhausting flooded through her body and she sagged in even more, her head was on his chest and she kept crying.

'I loved you.' She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to look at the murder scene in front of her. There was a sound that shouldn't be there. A word but it was left unspoken. Tension was lingering in the air but the chest her head was resting on suddenly moved. It may have been in her imagination. Perhaps this was just her brain fighting with her heart and they were both disagreeing with each other. He's alive. No he isn't. The chest moved again. She opened her eyes and looked carefully in the closed eyes as if they would open. They didn't, but his hand lifted off the ground and caressed her cheek. He's alive.

I really didn't expect to actually finish this story but yet 45 chapters later and I actually finished it. Thank you everyone who stuck with me until the end! I hope you enjoyed it. There's a part two coming up and will be uploaded on this account.

It's called -a fine line- part two/ sequal

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