Chapter 30

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He grunted after waking up with a pounding headache. At first, he was at loss what had happened and started to panic but then remembered last night. Did he really offer a minor, his student alcohol? He hoped it didn't affect her and that she wouldn't have a hangover because they were moving to his chambers at Hogwarts today and have to greet Albus too. He glanced at the clock which revealed it was 10 already. Severus removed the covers and found himself in his boxers which was strange because he never slept in only that. He didn't question it any longer and walked towards the shower.

He found the shampoo bottle and applied it to his hair that now smelled like oranges. Not his favorite but it will do. He cleansed his body to get rid of the alcohol smell and then took his towel to secure around his waist.

The smell of scones hit his nose after opening the bathroom door. It smelled delicious and he couldn't wait to have something in his stomach. He got dressed in his usual robed and headed downstairs to finally meet the scones he smelled. (Y/N) was standing in the kitchen, plating the food.

'Hey,' Severus greeted with a raspy, low morning voice combined with his hangover and terrible sleep. She turned around to face him.

'Hi,' she squealed nervously. Severus furrowed his brows thinking something was wrong.

'I apologize for giving you Firewhiskey last night. I wasn't exactly the perfect role model,' he snorted, hoping she would forgive him.

'Oh. No don't worry about that, I'm fine.' She sounded in a hurry and spoke the words so fast she could barely keep up without tripping over it.

'As you wish.' He eyed her suspiciously before making some tea which she hadn't done yet. He pulled back one of the chairs, dragging it across the wooden floor and letting it make a dreadful noise and sat down while dragging it over the wooden floor again to sit closer to the table.

'Will you stop that already?!' she snapped. Severus only looked at her with his mouth open, shocked by the sudden change of mood.

She placed the plate in front of him and sat herself down too.

'We should pack our things after breakfast and go to Hogwarts soon. Albus didn't inform me when exactly they would come to search the house.' (Y/N) nodded in understanding and didn't comment on it any further.

'About last night,' she said after a while. 'Do you remember anything?' Severus raised an eyebrow. Nothing happened between them right?

'Are you....implying something happened between us?' He tried to keep his voice distant and cooly but it betrayed him and broke down in the middle of the sentence.

'No! Merlin no of course not. I meant that you have said some rather disturbing things.' She looked down at her now empty plate. Severus bit down on the scone and chewed on it awfully long which only made (Y/N) lose her temper even more but she tried to keep it under control.

'Care to be a bit more specific?' He said after finally swallowing.

'Just about your childhood. Not much, don't worry. You said some things about the marauders and that Lupin is the only one alive of them and that you had won or something. Oh, and you fell on the ground trying to floo over to him and 'teach him a lesson' as you called it.'

Severus dragged his hand over his face and sighed in annoyance.

'Of course I did. Anything else?' (Y/N)'s cheeks went over in a pinkish blush which indicated that there was in fact more but shook her head slightly.

'No. That was all.'

'I see. Well we should pack now I think.' He tried to change the subject, not wanting to pressure her into saying more because he already knew it was bad and didn't want to ruin whatever they were.

They arrived at Hogwarts half an hour later, not really having much to pack. (Y/N) looked around his private chambers curiously.

'Dumbledore should be here soon,' he muttered. He showed (Y/N) her bedroom and also gave her a quick tour to show her the bathroom and he also made some ground rules which she made a mental note for not to forget. The tension was still lingering between them and it made Severus uncomfortable. He was going to live with this girl for merlin's sake and she can't even be honest with him. He couldn't blame her for not completely trusting him anymore after....the incident but (Y/N) was making this whole living situation harder than it had to be. He at least wanted to be comfortable in his own quarters.

Severus placed some tea in front of the two and sat down, making sure there was enough distance between them on the couch.

'Thank you,' she whispered. This was the last day he was free from teaching so from tomorrow on, he was going to be gone all day every day. How much he hated teaching those dunderheads, it was better than whatever this was supposed to be. He conjured himself a book and crossed his legs, leaning back and planned to stay like this until dinner. The only sound was the clock ticking and (Y/N) who occasionally sipped her tea. He wasn't idiotic enough to not notice her eyes were glued on him and it only made him more nervous and he suddenly became aware of how he presented himself.

He hoped he looked decently enough, seeming the circumstances he hadn't had much time to fresh himself up before going here.

(Y/N) sighed and continued staring like a lovesick girl to Snape. His hair was ruffled up which made him more human than normal and lucky for him, also more handsome. She wished she could go up to him and take her fingers through it like that time they made intercourse.

Her breathing became more and more irregular thinking about it. It was the best thing she had ever experienced and he was very skilled with his hands. She shifted herself on the couch, trying to ease the ache to be touched between her thighs.

'Stop,' Severus said eventually, pulling her out of her perfect little fantasy. She swallowed the salvia that pooled in her mouth before drooling all over herself. Did he read her mind? Surely he wouldn't invade her privacy like that right? Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment thinking about what he would say.

'Stop what?'

'Stop breathing so loud,' he said with gritted teeth. She wanted to open her mouth when an owl tapped against the window from the living room. Severus stood up irritated and opened the window for the owl to fly in with some parchment attached to its feet. The owl was fairly big and it was white. He detached the envelope and the seal on it indicated this was from the Ministry and he hoped it wasn't something bad. The owl didn't wait for a response and flew out of the window again.

He sat down and carefully opened it. (Y/N) was gazing at him with curiosity and waiting patiently for him to read the letter.

Minutes went by and he was still staring at the letter but his eyes weren't moving anymore and (Y/N) grew worried.

'What does it say?' He slowly turned his head towards her with a chock in his eyes but face still remained emotionless.

'My mother is dead.' 

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