Chapter 1 : Of a Sleeping Dream

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Jongwoo looked at the screen, in total silence. He had been trying to connect a good scenario for one of the crimes of his serial killer, but nothing came to him. It was totally out of his mind, he had it for a few seconds but then nothing. He sighed and closed the laptop, rubbing his tired eyes.

"This is total bullshit...", he almost whispered to his empty room, annoyed with himself. "I just had it, for god's sake! At this rate, I will never end a single chapter..."

Maybe it was the heat of this damn summer, maybe it was he was working way too much for the minimun wage, maybe it was having to endure all the shit his so-called friend gave him, maybe it was that he hadn't seen his girlfriend for almost three weeks and he felt they were pulling each other away, like two strings close to snapping. It was torturing his mind. Ji Eun was the only thing he had left here, the last thing that gave him hope for a better life. Or maybe...

Maybe it was this crazy plazy, full of crazy people. This studio, that gave him the creeps even just by walking through the single corridor it had, the little and mediocre kitchen, the continuos smiles and laughter. The sensation of having someone next to him while he slept, the tickling on his skin as if something sharp caressed it each night. And, for some reason, when he wanted to open his eyes to see what was going on, nothing. He couldn't do it. His eyes were stuck as if someone had put glue on them. Sleep paralysis, JiEun said. You're just paranoid, getting used to the city life, JeoGa said. Bullshit. Bullshit. BULLSHITBULLSHITBULLSHITjustdieBULLSHITBULLSHITyou'relyingyoualWAYSLIEYOUPIECEOF-

"Jongwoo-ssi, are you there? I've made some tea, would you like some?" 

Jongwoo turned around quickly, almost as if a prey heard a wolf in the distance. He stared at the door, in total silence, gulping as he heard the landlady calling for him. He didn't want to go, he didn't trust her. But what else could he do? He had no other choice, he didn't want to create any enemies in this place full of psychos. With not so much joy, he gave a simple 'coming' and got up, with a soft chill going down his back. He wondered if it was a simple bug that got inside his shirt.

He sat on one of the chairs of the little kitchen, sipping the tea. It didn't taste good but neither bad. He could hear one of the twins laughing. The pervert on his own room doing whatever god knows what he was doing. And then him. Jongwoo didn't know when he came or when he left, but he saw his shadow for a few seconds on the corridor, or maybe it was himself? It was his fault, always wearing black. Now that he thinks about it, where does this guy sleeps? Does he sleeps? When? He had never seen him going in the same room every night when they said good night. Wait...

The say good night EVERY night?

"I'm going crazy, definitely...", he said, sighing as he finished the tea. He got up to the sink, to wash the cup, but he sensed someone in the room. He turned around, dropping the cup, and gasped, scared "OH GOD!".

Jongwoo felt as if his heart was on his mouth, an acid taste left on the tipof his tongue. He saw Moon Jo rising one of his eyebrows, as if he found him amusing. He hated that hiding smirk of his. The dentist just got closer to him, and the writer wanted to run away, but his legs wouldn't respond. So he waited, watching Moonjo's every step.

But he didn't expect the man to kneel down, picking the broken pieces of the cup, in total silence. He suddenly hated silence.

"When did-"

"You should be careful,dear. I would hate for your pretty fingers to get hurt" he said, without looking at Jongwoo, "Does me being here scare you that much?"

"What? No, no! It's just...Just..."

Jongwoo kept his mouth in a tight line, not wanting to answer. He wanted to go somewhere else, not here. He could feel the man on the bottom, the warmth that his body emanated, but there was also something else. Jongwoo felt a strange sensation, a sharp and tiny thought that sank into his gut carefully, as if awaited for the moment for the boy to scream in pain. Moonjo got up slowly, his body a few inches away from Jongwoo, a shadow over a tiny candle awating for the perfect wind. The smaller felt taken over, and he noted that he couldn't keep his eyes away from Monjoo's, just as Monjoo didn't let go of Jongwoo's eyes. If he let go, he knew he would fall into a pit with no end.

Or maybe he already was falling.

Jongwoo and Moonjo were silent, just looking at each other, there was no kitchen or the entire studio, there was no world. Just him and those eyes, those deep dark eyes that he wanted to disect, to discover what they hide deep in them. There was definitely something hidden inside those eyes, and he was going to expose it.

Moonjo put the pieces of the broken cup next to the sink, without looking away from Jongwoo. Lately, the boy was even more on edge, looking at every corner he passed, at every little hole he found, to everyone that looked suspicios or looked for a few seconds. It was difficult at first, the boy was very cautious and intelligent, but a few honey-coated words and beers and the complicity of a sane mind, the boy's barrier fell, and Moonjo finally could dive deep into his mind, twisting and biting, searching for the rotten core that matched his. He knew it was there, it HAD to. And nothing and no one would be on his way to take his prize.

"...You're blushing, dear. It suits you a lot"

"Stop calling me that. It- It's creepy, and weird. I have a-"

"Girlfriend, yes, you said it several times. I didn't know I had to say you're pretty as a way of flirting. Just stated a fact."

Jongwoo didn't react at first, but it hit him. Pretty? Did he just call him pretty? Him?? Jongwoo moved away, finally out of that trance, and cleared his throat, searching in his mind for an explanation of what was happening. He needed to leave, right now, but he also didn't want to sound rude to Moonjo-

Since when did he care how Moonjo felt about him?

"I need to get going, I have to go to work. Thanks for...You know...Helping me with the cup..."

"It's alright, either way it was my fault. I startled you in the first. Then, have a nice day".

Moonjo smiled and took a bottle of water, leaving again, while Jongwoo stayed, again all alone. He was alone. Always. But now, it hurted more than usual. It never hurt before. Why now?

"This place is fucking me up..."

Jongwoo looked at the broken cup, and a sharp pain appeared on his hand. He looked down and saw a cut on his palm. He didn't let go of the cup at first. The cup didn't break because of the clash. He broke it himself.

He threw the pieces into the garbage can.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now