Chapter 14: Of When the Sea called Evil

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It took the dentist over two months to find a house, it was easy considering the amount of money he had saved over the years (he would have had more, if not for Ms. Eom and her constant desire to move around the country and open low profiteering businesses), but it took more than three to convince the young writer to move in with him. If he had stalked him before when they were at the studio, AFTER they moved out of there was worse. He had to basically run after him to just talk to him, and literally sabotage all his attempts to move into a studio.

Both had come to an agreement for living together, they discussed about expenses, what it was ok and what it was unacceptable, everything they could think of. It was a process that many could find hellish and stressful, but for was a nice experience. Stressful, but nice. Since Jongwoo agreed to live with him, the dentist could feel something heavy had dropped off his chest. Things were going ok, they were normal. It was a strange change in his not so normal life, but...somehow, it was worth it.

He now had someone to talk about anything he wanted, without having to think twice what word he could spit out or what to hide. His brother gave him security, something he had lacked for years. He couldn't understand how, in under five months, he had built such a strong bond with him. It's as if a tight rope held both their hands together. Maybe it was true what they said about twins, some could feel what each other felt at times, because he had started to feel so many things after meeting him.

He had always been in a cocoon made of spines and lies, with a soft annoying voice whispering in his ear, telling-, no, commanding him what to do and say. His life was a path made of stones he had never created. He found by chance the first rock, and when he stepped on it, the person who first put it kept putting more, and he kept walking further. It was now he had found himself wanting to make his own path, the one he had followed started to feel dangerous. He now had to make sure to maintain a 'normal' life, in order to stay with Jongwoo and further their new relationship, and to discover more things of his past. But it was difficult, since he had discovered Byungsoo had spent all his life between boarding school and living with his maternal grandparents. He barely met his mother, even less his father.

He had learned two things about his parents; one, his mother and father were still alive, and two...both parents were separated since Byungsoo turned two. He had also learned his mother was a very famous violinist (or she was when she still played), but his father was a mystery, in every sense of his life. Byungsoo didn't know in what he worked, how he liked or what he did in these moments. He only knew he lived near the mountains, in some kind of villa with a big lake on the gardens. It only made Moonjo more confused. He had many questions, but for now...he only cared about his brother. The rest of the family could go die in a hole for all he cared.

He had also started to have more proper dates with Jongwoo. He would go out with him to have dinner sometimes after work, he would accompany him to work as much as he could, even brought him coffee during break. Jongwoo did enjoy his company, was difficult for him to go public. Moonjo could tell, the way he would blush while they walked down a street as he tried to hold his hand, or when Moonjo got too close to him while grocery shopping.

In the past, such awkwardness would have amused him and he would exploit it even more, but right now, it was a bit sad. He didn't need to be with him all the time nor he had to be holding his hand while they walked, but he did felt a sting when he saw how the younger man pulled his hand away or how he couldn't kiss him outside their new home. Being denied was something he hated deeply, the feeling someone he cared so much denying something as simple as a kiss was a crime Moonjo couldn't forgive. But then, when he saw Jongwoo's eyes, that soft blush he so much adored, and the way he was ambushed the second the crossed the door of their made his inner predator calm down.

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