Chapter 17: Of When the Cat Followed

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He stared at the shelves, tired and annoyed. The annoying and mediocre store music danced through his head, making his already bad humor get worse. His day had been quite...shitty, to put it bluntly, but he wasn't expecting to end it in a pet store, carrying a kitten he was planning on killing just an hour ago. And why he was in this situation? Because of his freaking niece Federica caught him.

Of all people he could had run into, it had to be HER. Just the moment he was finally going to get some of his control back, there she was, fucking his plans all over. And to top it off, that slimy creature kept following them, and it was purring. PURRING. Like a fucking happy cat! The good thing was, it wasn't all over him. It was weird, watching that thing follow the girl's every move, moaning in happiness as it watched her. If it had a face under all that black liquid, Moonjo was sure it was smiling.

The little ball of fur in his hands kept shaking, but he couldn't exactly tell why. Was it cold? Was it scared? Hungry? It just ate two cans of tuna, and it was getting a full collection of toys and gadgets. What else could it want more? Moonjo just wanted to drop it on the floor and leave it there. He was sure someone else would pick it up, they were in a pet store!

"The kitty seems to like you. That's weird, considering you were going to kill it," Federica said, caressing its head with a little smile. She was carrying a basket full of toys, food and a few blankets. "Poor thing...Thank god I got there in time, didn't I, cutie?" She cooed it, melting as she watched the animal lean on her hand. Moonjo scoffed.

"I wasn't going to kill it. I just fed it"

"Yeah, sure. And I'm Queen of England" she said, looking at him, wiping her smile and putting her usual frown. The slimy monster growled at Moonjo. Was that thing on her side? "Either way, stop wasting my time and choose a collar already. We need to get this cutie to the vet section before they close"

"I'm not paying for any of this, even less for them to check this cat. It's almost dead. What are they going to do, examine it to tell me it's going to die in less than an hour?"

"It's not going to die! And you have to pay for all of this, and his shots and anything it needs!"

"I said no. It's alive, ok? Let's buy him a blanket and another can of tune or something and-"

"I don't think you get this, asshole" Moonjo turned his head, glaring at her. Did she dared to insult him?! Anyone would be trembling and apologizing to him, but no, that girl was just staring at him, as if what she said was the most obvious thing in the world. "You wanted to kill this cat. It didn't do anything to you, it was just trying to survive. And YOU, a pathetic excuse of a human being, wanted to kill it because what? You feel a little bit of stress?"

"Listen here, girl, you have no right to-"

"You're the one who's gonna listen, you sick fuck. I got you on camera, how you were going to snap that poor kitten's neck, and how fucking creepy you looked. If anything happens to the cat, I'm posting it online. And I assure you, I will make sure to ruin your life"

Moonjo felt his blood boil. He wanted to wrap his hands on her neck and choke her, choke her so hard her eyes would pop out of their sockets, he just wanted to make her suffer. He didn't care if his brother suffered, this girl needed to be gone. But, he couldn't do it, he needed to push these thoughts away from him. Especially when that creature was looking at him, furious. He didn't need another panic attack, not in public, and especially in front of this insolent girl. He sighed and looked at the little cat in his arm. He gave it to her and took the basket full of items.

"Choose a collar yourself. I don't care about it"

"...Of course you don't. Can't believe you have my dad's face, even less his twin brother..." the girl rolled her eyes and smile at the cat, holding it close to her. "You have such pretty eyes! I bet when they give you a bath, you'll look even better. So let's find a nice collar!" She giggled, hearing the animal answer with a loud meow.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now