Chapter 25: Of When the Umbra Monarch swallowed the Wolf

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The complete silence in the house was terrifying. Even the chirping of outside's birds wasn't enough to suppress the silence. It felt weird waking up and not being able to hear Jongwoo laughing as Satan tried to get into the pantry to get his food. It was a strange feeling not hearing his voice in the morning.

Staring at the ceiling, he debated into whether he should get up or stay in bed. It was Saturday, and it was really early in the morning. He barely slept these two days, barely ate anything. He just laid in Jongwoo's room, his aroma still present in the sheets and pillows. He barely left the writer's room, after that horrible night he felt like dying.

He almost killed Jongwoo. His darling, the one person he would do anything for, almost left this world by his hands. Moonjo couldn't understand how, how could he do such thing. His palms still itched, the image of Jongwoo choking under him burned in his mind. His cheek was burning, maybe because he didn't treat the scratch Satan gave him to push him away from Jongwoo.

His phone lit up, and the dentist grabbed it in a second, hoping it was a text from Jongwoo. He had been texting him non-stop since he left, but the younger didn't reply at all. He knew he was seeing the texts, but he wouldn't reply. And Moonjo didn't blame him, at all. Who would talk with someone who tried to kill them? But there was some hope in him that his darling would talk to him, even if it was only to tell him they were done for good. He just needed to hear his voice and know he was ok...

Moonjo saw the text and groaned. It was from his father. He cursed, ignoring it, and put the phone under the pillow. He didn't remember giving his father his phone number, but he didn't have any energy left to think. He closed his eyes, burying his face on the pillow. He kept hearing the phone ringing, meaning his father was still texting him. After ten minutes, it stopped, but then he heard the ringtone. Moonjo rolled his eyes, turning to his other side, ignoring it. The third time it rang, Moonjo grabbed it, angry and frustrated.

"What the hell do you want?! I'm not in the mood!"

"Well, good morning to you too! Someone woke up with the wrong foot-"

"If you're just going to talk bullshit, I'm hanging up! I said I'm not in the fucking mood!" Moonjo didn't have time for him. What if Jongwoo replied to him now? Besides, what the hell did this man want so early in the morning?

"Jeez, such a sunshine!" The man chuckled. Moonjo was tempted to hang up right there, irritated. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"No, everything is ok," The dentist touched his injured cheek, wincing. "Peachy."

"Really? You don't sound ok. Did you have a fight with your brother?"

"I said everything is ok, just fuck-"

"Do not curse at me, boy," His cold and stern command made his blood run cold. The dentist froze in place, containing his breathe. Then, his father chuckled. "I may be a bad father, but I'm still your father. Please, do not curse again. I hate it. Understood?"


"Good. Now, why don't you tell me what's going on? You don't sound ok, Moonjo-ah. You can tell me..."

"I'm not sure I should talk about this...Especially with you."

"Aaaaah...But think of it this way. How about you talk to me as your therapist?"

Moonjo wanted to scoff. This had to be a joke, and a bad one. The stranger danger alert in his mind went off, but thinking about it, wouldn't that help? Jongwoo kept saying he needed to see a specialist for his behavior lately, and after learning his father was on that field, his darling kept insisting for him to visit Gukjae. Moonjo always refused, but now...Now was a different story. He wasn't in any position to refuse help. Anything that might help in keeping Jongwoo safe around him was welcome right now.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now