Chapter 11: Of When the Wolf Howled

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The next day after that night, Moonjo could swear on what he held most dear that Jongwoo...was avoiding him. And he hated it. He couldn't understand why, WHY he was doing this. Millions of thoughts run through his mind, trying to find a good reason for this behavior, but it was difficult. Did he find out he was paying for his room all this time? Or did he receive any weird texts from the tenants of Eden Studio? Or maybe he DID think he forced himself on him?!

He just knew something was wrong, but he didn't want to force an answer from Jongwoo. That would only make everything worse. Let him have some space, Byungsoo told him. But how could he?! He couldn't sleep well, knowing Jongwoo was just next door and he couldn't speak to him, he kept remembering that night when they had sex and it aroused him, work was going ok but it was...boring (more than usual). He wanted his writer back. He missed their conversations, he missed making him blush, the sound of his laugh, EVERYTHING. And this wait was pure torture.

The dentist has never felt like this. Sure, he had always been quite possessive of his things, but this was something else. Sure, he wanted Jongwoo for himself, he didn't want anyone else to touch or talk to him, keep him locked in a room full of everything he loved so he wouldn't care for anything else. He could do it. He could perfectly rent a house far away, in the woods, and kept him there as a cute puppy for himself.

But then...Jongwoo wouldn't talk about his days in the office, what he learned today, he wouldn't tell him about what new shop he discovered on his way home, or how he found a new stray cat and got to pet him while he ate the can of tuna he bought for them...He would lose his spark, those sparkling eyes would lose light, and the smile he loved so dearly would turn a mechanic reaction. He didn't want that...Even if it was such an exciting temptation.

By the second day, Jongwoo said good morning and good night, but nothing else. It was something, but not enough. Moonjo tried to stop him for a conversation, he even tried to go talk to him to his room, but to no vail. So he decided to wait a bit more.

By the seventh day, Moonjo was livid. He was furious, confused, frustrated...and horny. He couldn't stop thinking of Jongwoo moaning, with that lustful look on his eyes, his rosy lips shining due to spit covering them after kissing for too long...HOW COULD HE FORGET SUCH AN EROTIC SCENE?!

He hadn't felt this horny since he hit puberty. He had to shower with ice cold water to calm himself down before work, for goodness sake! Even his brother could feel it when they talked on the phone. A few weeks before he would have killed him for just laughing at him, what the hell, he could do it now, could he kill his brother? He liked that silly, adorable idiot. Hell, he could say he loved him and they just met five months ago.

"Love...I guess I now know what that means...I guess..." he snorted, taking another puff from his cigarette. He looked up the sky, a bit tired.

Moonjo couldn't remember the last time he stopped to look up to the sky, watching the snow fall down. It was a quiet, going into a slow pace, as if they were tiny white spiders walking down their webs. Sometimes, he would reach to try and catch one, but it would melt quickly in his hand, so he resigned and contented himself with just watching. The sky was grey, it had rained just a few hours ago and now it was time for the snow to come down. He liked it.

He took the last puff of his cigarette and threw it in the tin can of the rooftop, before he would go down to finish his last appointment. Moonjo heard a ping and took his phone out, seeing another rush of messages from Ms. Eom. She had been texting him every day, asking him when he would come back. Moonjo was tired by only seeing her name being displayed on his phone.

He decided to ignore her again, and went back to work. While he got inside the building again, he brushed off some snow off his hair. Working today was boring, but at least today he had a plan to finally confront Jongwoo. He will go to his office, pick Jongwoo up from work and go to eat together. Simple but it will work, he was sure. It better do, or I'll end up kidnapping him for real and take him away, Moonjo thought for himself.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now