Chapter 10: Of When the Wolf Serenaded to the Rabbit

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There was nothing worse than searching for a home, Jongwoo was sure of it. So many options, prices too high, weird locations, it's too far from my job, this neighborhood it's too loud...At least Jongwoo could share the stress with Moonjo. But the man looked even more stressed, or at least it looked like that for the young writer. Moonjo looked more pale than usual, and bags started to appear under his eyes. He had to guess he had started to sleep less, because they weren't sharing a room, but the man looked like he was going to faint at some point. Even his brother had been worried about him, coming several times to pick him up from work to take him to rest by force.

One time, Jongwoo had been so worried, he had gone and bought some barbeque and beers, and went to visit Moonjo's room. It had taken some convincing, but Moonjo had let him inside his motel room. Just some minutes, you have work in the morning, Moonjo had said. As if he also didn't had to work too. And maybe...Jongwoo wasn't sure how to feel when he entered.

Everything was tidy...too tidy. He could barely tell that someone had been living in that room for a month. There was barely anything that could tell Moonjo was there. Only the smell that filled the room made Jongwoo realize he was in the right room. Moonjo's fragrance invaded his nostrils. It made his entire body shiver, as if a soft hand traveled through every inch of his skin, exploring a new land. He smelled like wet earth, maybe wood? a forest. It made him sleepy but at the same time...scared.

But it wasn't time to be scared. No, he wasn't scared. He was nervous, that's all. He had to continue. He needed to make sure Moonjo slept tonight like a baby. He had everything he needed: beers, food, positive energy, and confidence! Nothing could go wrong! What Jongwoo hadn't expect was how that night ended, something that made him blush even a year later.

Everything was going fine. Jongwoo got to make Moonjo his fill of meat, something he hadn't expected to have problems with. But Moonjo didn't seem to enjoy it a lot. Strange, since it was the only thing he saw him eat back in Eden Studio. He also drank two beers, and they talked for hours. Jongwoo wanted to tire him as much as possible, but the man had still energy on him. He himself was already drunk, and he could tell Moonjo was too. It was weird seeing him drunk, he usually was more composed, but it was a nice side to see.

"I-I don't...I don't think...I should take more. I don't want my brother to ssssee me like thiss..." Moonjo said, pulling the can of beer away, snorting as he covered his face. Jongwoo chuckled.

"Your brother? Byungsoo is not here, what are you babbling about?"

"What?! Then who's that guy in there! I can't be in two places, that's for sure! Right Byungsoo?!" Moonjo pointed behind Jongwoo, making the later turn, scared.

Moonjo was pointing to a mirror, where his reflection pointed back at him. Jongwoo couldn't keep it anymore and started to laugh, falling back on the bed, holding his stomach. For a second, he had been scared, thinking someone was really behind them. He still was trying to recover from the experience of living in Eden Studio, the paranoia of being watched and someone following him even to bed was still hanging on his mind. He felt a million eyes upon him, as if privacy was something from fairy tales. But at he was with Moonjo.

"Moonjo-ah...That's a mirror. It's you, dummy!" he said, still laughing as he looked at the dentist, who was processing the information with a frown.

"...Oh my god, really? It's- Jesus, I've been talking to myself then?! I thought Byungsoo was joking with meeeee!! I was going to throw a pillow at him!" Moonjo groaned, covering his face, embarrassed. But when he didn't heard Jongwoo laughing, he looked up, concerned. "Jongwoo? Are you-?"

"You're blushing. You're embarrassed...and you look beautiful"

Maybe it was the alcohol, or the fact that himself was getting sleepy, but seeing Moonjo blush for the first time made his heart go faster. He had always seen the man so composed, no sign of any emotion aside from politeness and smiles, it scared him to a point Jongwoo didn't know what Moonjo was. But...seeing that soft blush...the embarrassment in his actions...being vulnerable in front of him...

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now