Chapter 13: Of When the Rabbit let itself Be Eaten

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Jongwoo had watched porn before. He was a young man, living away from his girlfriend, and sometimes he had needs. It was just a way to de-stress too. But seeing it was one thing...doing a blowjob was much more different. Especially when he had never been with another man. He had never, EVER before he thought he would be doing a blowjob to another man. Maybe it was the excitement, but now it seemed like a horrible idea. He got an idea of how to do it, but he was too nervous now.

He did try, of course, remembering what he saw on some videos. He started by licking Moonjo's length, but he knew this alone wouldn't be enough. But he couldn't do it. He would choke on him, and his gag reflex wasn't going to help at all. He was scared, to be honest. Scared he wouldn't be able to perform good, scared Moonjo wouldn't enjoy this, to be seen with bad eyes by Moonjo. He had so much confidence just a few seconds before, but now...reality hit him real hard. He didn't have any experience with men, even less giving blowjobs.

Jongwoo was now really embarrassed, he didn't know what to do, and he was scared of hurting Moonjo, or worse...He feared to puke all over his lap. He didn't know what to do now, and he was starting to panic, he really wanted to have sex with him, but having him wait while he decided to suck him or not could annoy the older man.

"You don't know how to do it, right? Here, let me guide you..." Moonjo lifted himself with his elbows, smiling to him. Jongwoo blushed, been caught was even more embarrassing. The writer wanted to pull away, but Moonjo put his hands on his shoulders, with no intention of letting him go. "No, darling. You're not leaving me like this. I wanna see how you're going to devour me"

Jongwoo was scared of what could happen next, well, mostly embarrassed like hell. He didn't have any choice, did he? He was in too deep already. And besides...he was curious of what the other man would do to him. He was basically at his mercy. Jongwoo tried to relax, leaving room for the man to move freely. He felt a hand on his head, petting him softly. As if he was a puppy.

"Alright, first, start licking. Slowly and careful, alright? Just think as're eating an ice cream"

"That...that's not helpful...I eat my ice cream biting-"

"NO! No biting!" Jongwoo wanted to laugh, but he just blushed and gave a little smirk, gaining a soft smack on his forehead. "Just...Jus lick it. I'll tell you when to stop. Go on..." Moonjo said, smiling. He didn't stop petting his head, and it made Jongwoo more comfortable.

He did as he was told, eager to follow the instructions. At first it was weird, sucking another man's cock was weird for him. He always thought this was something only a woman would do, but here he was, discovering a new world. He had nothing against homosexuals, just he had always thought he liked girls...Until Moonjo showed up in his life. This man wrecked his entire life, like a train in full speed.

As he had thought before, sucking him off was difficult and a bit confusing for him. He tried to remember how the girls of the porn videos he had seen before, but even if he tried to recreate what the girls did, his shyness wouldn't allow him to do it. Well, aside from shyness, the cringing sensation he felt as he imagined himself doing the same expressions and sounds. He couldn't do that, he wouldn't lose his dignity for that.

He didn't know if he was doing right, the only thing he could feel was Moonjo's hand on his head. He wasn't pushing him for more, he just...watched. In silence, petting his hair. It was weird, but he tried to concentrate. With one hand, Jongwoo started to stroke Moonjo's dick, slowly and a bit insecure. He didn't expect to hear a soft gasp. He pulled away to try see what was going on, but Moonjo didn't let him, pushing his head back on his crotch.

"D-Don't look at me...just..." Jongwoo blushed. Was Moonjo...embarrassed? Or maybe...did he do something to make him uncomfortable?

"M-Moonjo, I'm so-"

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now