Chapter 5: Of a Broken Mirror with a Dark Reflection

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Moonjo couldn't take his eyes off from both sisters. It was hard for him to grasp the mere idea they were related, it was...difficult.

Eunyeong had Korean traits, she was thin and petite, her cute and soft features paired so perfectly with the faint natural tan of her skin. Her long black and pink hair was tied in a messy bun, holded up with a cute bow. She was wearing an oversized white t-shirt, which had and embroidery of a golden lotus on the top left. The shirt could hide easily the denim shorts she was wearing. At first glance, Eunyeong was the typical Korean teenage girl.

Then, there was Federica. She was definitely eye-catching. She didn't have her sister's traits, anyone could see it. She could pass as a exchange student. Moonjo dared to say she had European traits. She had pale skin, with dark hair tied in a high ponytail. She was a bit chubby, but Moonjo could feel it. That girl could look weak and defendless, but under that not so big layer of fat, were strong muscles. He could see it on her legs, her arms, and her hands too. But there was something else too. That coolness of her was just a façade. And those eyes, those two dark orbs with hints of green...

Those eyes were dead.

He took his phone and made it look like he was looking the time, but instead he took a picture of Federica, while one of the paramedics finished checking her up. Her sister was right by her side, still sobbing softly and not letting go of her hand. Jongwoo was next to them, he was adorable as he tried to calm the poor girl. If only he knew...

"I-I am so sorry, I...I swear I don't wanna cry, b-but I thought s-she-"

"It's ok, don't worry! It's ok, see? Your sister will be ok, you heard the doctor. So calm down, alright?"

Eunyeong looked at Jongwoo, sniffing, and after a few seconds she smiled. She hugged him tightly, grateful that he had taken his time to calm her down. She took Jongwoo by surprise, but a smile ended up creeping its way up to his lips. But the sweet moment was interrupted by the paramedics helping Federica on an emergency stretcher. Eunyeong started to panic, she thought everything was ok, why were they putting her sister on a stretcher?!

"W-Wait! Why are you- What's going on!?"

"Miss, we have to take her to the hospital to make sure she is alright. It's normal procedure. We just want to make sure your friend-"

"She's my sister!! But what's wrong, what happened to her?!"

Eunyeong protested, but everyone could see the panic in her eyes. Her sister was quiet, still under distress by the way she was holding so tightly one of the grippers of the stretcher. Moonjo's curiosity woke up, wondering what was wrong with her. Jongwoo hold Eunyeong's shoulders, smiling softly at her.

"Come on, they're doing their job. We can go with you guys until your parents arrive, ok? You go with your sister and we will follow you by taxi"

"R-Really? You won't mind that?"

"Of course! Let me tell my friend so we can go, ok? Now go on, they're waiting for you", Jongwoo said, noticing the weird expression the girl gave when she glanced to Moonjo.

Eunyeong smiled and gave a kiss to his cheek before running to the ambulance, holding her sister's hand. Jongwoo smiled and turned to Moonjo, and now found himself in the position to ask him to come with him to the hospital. He kind of decided in his place in front of Eunyeong, but now he wondered if he did well. But he was even more surprised when he said yes, that he could come. Moonjo was hard to read, but this time, Jongwoo could tell he was...nervous, even if he agreed to come with him, Moonjo looked nervous. It was weird to see him like that, but he liked it. He finally got to see a normal human emotion coming from him.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now