Chapter 6: Of the Wolf that found his Dog

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Moonjo was, to put bluntly, not in a very good mood for the past three days. He had stopped communicating with Jongwoo, with Miss Eom, ignored completely the twins and tenant 313, had stopped going to the fourth floor, and at work, he did the required, but wasn't as cheerful as he had made his persona be at work. I don't feel well these days, he said. It seemed to work.

Finding himself in front of his doppelganger had taken a toll on him, more than he had expected. He couldn't comprehend how it happened. At first, the day had started with such a good turn, he had finally got Jongwoo to trust him during their 'date', and now...Now he was scared. First with Federica, and now with...with his doppelganger. Everything had been perfect, why suddenly he had to feel like this? He didn't want to be scared, he didn't want to be confused.

"Mr Seo, do I tell the next patient to come in?"

Moonjo nodded, barely speaking. He didn't want to be here working, but he didn't trust the other dentist to work the morning shift. He was tired of listening to mothers' blabbering while he treated their children, of the constant volunteering they asked him to do, of Miss Eom pestering him to leave already that crappy place, of ending everyone else including Jongwoo. What did she thought, he was his toy? Jongwoo WAS HIS.

Moonjo was preparing the tools for the next patient while thinking about Jongwoo. Lately, he had started to be more...clinging. And he also didn't spend much time outside of the studio. It looked like he was waiting for him. Maybe his work had started to show. But Moonjo didn't know if he should feel happy or...

"Please sit down, Mr Seo will attend you soon" his assistant said, letting the next patient in.

Moonjo took a deep breath and smiled, turning to see the patient. But he froze again. He clenched his fists, trying not to shake, and for a few seconds he paused himself. He stared at him as he sat down, and he could see his assistant be confused with such strange behavior. Moonjo hat to act quickly. He dismissed her, and when she was gone, the man took of the cap and face mask he was wearing, putting back his glasses. Moonjo had to admit it was like looking at a mirror, one that could talk back and had his own thoughts. That scared him a lot. He...He wasn't on control this time.

"S-So...Hello" his doppelganger said, trying to form a smile, but the nervousness made it difficult.


Moonjo sat down next to him, slowly, as if his seat now suddenly had a million needles. For the first time, Moonjo found himself lost at words, well, it seemed both of them were experiencing the same. The dentist wondered if he had come along or with someone else.

"I umm...I don't know about you but um...I couldn't stop thinking about the other day. You the hospital..."
"Yes I...I understand. I didn't..."
"You...didn't? R-Really? Oh..." his doppelganger replied, with a sad expression. God, it was difficult to try to think he wasn't him. Oh god, that was even more confused.

"No, what I meant is I didn't forget. Like, I did think about it. About that day. I mean, you. No, us. Oh god..."

Moonjo groaned and pushed his seat back, covering his face. This was frustrating, he felt like a teenager again! He was an adult, how could this be?! He should be composed, he should be mature and think straight!

He didn't want to talk to him, he didn't want to deal with this. That's it, he will tell him to go away, that he wasn't welcome, that he didn't want to know about him at all-

"I really wanted to meet you. After so many years...I forgot. I forgot about...y-you. I didn't want to but I did. And when I saw you, that day, at the hospital, pushing Fede's wheelchair...Memories I thought they were destroyed started to come. But...they are so little...Just like shiny-"
"Marbles. Like tiny shiny marbles" Moonjo said, this time, his hand shaking.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now