Chapter 4: Of a Sweet Scent of Terror

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He stopped his entire brain from thinking. He just looked at him, in total silence. This man alone could make him froze with just a simple word. Even if there were maybe hundreds of people around them, his eyes couldn't leave the tall figure just a few feet away. Right now he was glad to see him, after what happened he needed to see someone else. Even if it was him. Jongwoo would have run away if he had seen Moonjo just an hour ago, but now...That was another story.

He saw Moonjo's confused look, and he couldn't but take a closer look to him. He hadn't done it before, now he started to remember. He had always been creeped out to even look directly at his eyes. It wasn't his fault, this man had a strange aura since day one. But now, he didn't felt that.

Jongwoo had to admit the man was handsome, attractive. Hell, maybe if he didn't live in that damn studio, Jongwoo would have loved to be his friend, maybe even developed a crush on this man. He was pale (Why was he so pale? Maybe he was sick?) and tall, really tall, he felt like a tiny puppy next to him. He always wore long-sleeved shirts, he wondered why and how this man couldn't possibly melt under this hellish summer. He seemed so comfortable and happy in those, as if they were made of ice and kept him cold. And he really looked different during the day, he had seen him only at night. It was like he had two skins...

And it was strange to see him wearing something else than black. He was wearing now light colors, and it suit him a lot. The writer blushed when he finally got to the part that really caught his attention. He hadn't noticed before, but now at daylight, he did.

It was simple that now he could see it clearly.

His lips had a pretty color, a soft reddish pink that caught Jongwoo's attention. For him, Jongwoo loved them. Maybe it sounded weird, but he really liked them. He wondered if it was a natural color or if it was lipstick. It really looked like lipstick. It looked so pretty. He liked it a lot. I like his lips.

"Jongwoo? Are you ok?" Moonjo asked, starting to get worried. He got closer to him, trying to find the reason of such silence.

"Do you wear lipstick?"

Moonjo didn't answer nor moved for a few seconds, then he started to laugh. The smaller man opened his eyes in shock, hearing Moonjo's laugh was new to him. It was a weird mix of sensations hearing him, but Jongwoo opted to just be a little glad that he made him laugh, but when he knew the reason for why he was laughing, he blushed really hard and covered his mouth.

After a long minute that he felt were like hours, Moonjo seemed to calm down, wiping a single tear rolling down his cheek.

"I-I am so so sorry Moonjo, I...I didn't mean to-"

"You...You took me by surprise! No one has ever told me that before!"

"...What? You're not....You're not mad?"

"Mad? For what? You just made a question, nothing bad on doing so," Moonjo said, smiling at him, still trying to stop a few laughs. Jongwoo blushed even more, and the taller noticed, smirking.

"Are you wearing blush or are you embarrassed?"

Jongwoo flinched a bit, shocked, and looked away, making the dentist chuckled. He bit his lip, not knowing what to say. This man really knew how to make him feel like a little kid again.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, dear."

Okay, now he was creeped out. Does he know how to read minds? Jongwoo shock his head, just smiling a little, and toyed with the hem of his shirt. He swallowed, trying to calm down before talking again, searching for something to talk about, so the only thing his mind could come up with was the reason Moonjo was in that mall. And the only answer he gave was the shopping bag on his hand. Sung Optics.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now