Chapter 9: Of the Wolf that Choose the Leash

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The room is quiet, the soft moonlight sneaking from the semi-opened window. There was a soft cracking sound around, along with the wind it made it sound as if the house breathed. It was scary.

They walked down the corridor, a pair of hands shaking, a forced grip on a dirty kitchen knife. Glassy eyes looked at the woman at their feet, who was shaking and crying, bloody flowers blooming from her stomach.

The tic-tac of the clock cried inside his head, pounding heart in his chest, a dry voice calling out for anyone who could hear, the little pool with red liquid growing by the seconds under his feet. If he could, he would go back, go back under the cold warmth of his sheets, and stay there until there was no more noises.

He wanted to be out of the house, but the firm hands which pushed his to the woman's chest won't let go until the job was complete. And they weren't.

There's someone bring a piece of hers...

Moonjo woke up in cold sweat, panting as he held tightly the thing sheet he was covered with. The room wasn't completely dark, he could see the clean ceiling, the blue-ish walls, the minimalist furniture, and the soft smell of vanilla. Yes, this was the hotel room he booked a few days ago. He sighed and sat on the bed, and looked at his hands. They were shaking.

He had started to have nightmares, and fear had come to cloud his mind again. He felt like a teenager again, and he hated that feeling. He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He was glad he had called sick for a few days, but he would have to go back at some point. And the studio too. But he didn't want to. Not after that night with Fede...

He had panicked that night, when he had heard the teen with them, his heart racing in a way he had never felt before. It hurt. A lot. There was nothing else but that strange, basic instinct of running, fleeing from that room, get Federica and get out of there. And he did it. He had never thought he could be THAT fast, and for once, he had the other tenants and landlady shocked and confused, running away like that. He had ignored Miss Eom's screams, and the laughs of the twins. He just run. Running until his chest was burning, when he could hear a high pitched sound ringing in his ears, when he couldn't stand Fede's nails digging in his hand, and when he saw Yeongmin running towards them.

He just told the woman to take her daughter away, and he kept running. He couldn't do anything else, or that's what he thought. He felt a wave of safety the further away he was from that damned place, away from everything he knew about. Something in his chest was trying to dig itself out, and it hurt, so FUCKING MUCH.

He ended up running for god knows how long, until he couldn't keep it anymore. His legs were shaking, his vision almost blurry. How long has it been since he had exercised? Maybe high school? He couldn't remember, and it hurt. Why did everything hurt suddenly? He didn't want to feel like this.

He took deep breaths, and when he calmed down, he started to walk, looking around. He didn't recognize this part of town. Actually, he realized he had almost never explored the city. He went to work, home, and the convenience store. Maybe sometimes he took a cab to another place but...he had never actually explored the city he lived in. They would leave eventually how many towns he had been already? Had he ever visited any of them?

He had never realized how big this city was. It made him feel so little and like a lost child...He had always felt safe in his zone, but now that he was gone...It was so difficult to even move freely, like restrains pulling him back to the studio. But he couldn't go back, he wasn't ready. There was so much going on in his head.

And that's how he ended up in the motel. It was modest, clean and calm. Perfect for a few days to cool down his mind. He rented a room for a week but...he was starting to debate if he should stay more time. He had started to...debate lots of things lately.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now