Chapter 12: Of when the Rabbit showed its Teeth

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Jongwoo counted every minute to go back to the motel. After that little talk with Moonjo, his heart wouldn't stop racing, and the desire to go with the dentist in that right moment grew by seconds. He didn't care about Jaego, or his coworkers or finishing his job. He only wanted Moonjo, he wanted to be devoured by him.

But he had to wait. He had to FUCKING wait another three hours for what the older man promised it would happen when they were back at the motel. He couldn't wait. But sadly, he had to. Damn it.

Moonjo left Jongwoo back at the restaurant with his coworkers and boss, and said goodbye to everyone. Jongwoo had to hear all kind of questions from Jaego, as if he was a concerned father. But he knew better...He was interrogating him, trying to find a flaw, something suspicious, something he could create a problem with. But what could he do? He only had a very innocent and calm conversation with Moonjo about their future house.

"I still can't believe you'll live with a strange man instead of with Jieun...Anyone could say you two are lovers. Are you his cute boyfriend, Jongwoo?" Jaego asked, with a mocking tone. Jongwoo just drank from his water before answering.

"I'm not, but even if I was..." he answered, turning his head to him, serious. "I don't think it has nothing to do with you, Jaego"

"This guy,'re something else..." Jaego snorted, acting hurt. "I'm your friend and your boss, can't I be worried about my friend and colleague? For real...I'm serious Jongwoo, you're hurting Jieun and yourself, that man is weird and is confusing you!"

Jongwoo just nodded and tried to finish his lunch in peace. There was no point in discussing with an idiot, after all.


The elevator was really slow today. He could swear this was on purpose, if not, why the freaking elevator was taking so long to come to the lobby?! He wanted to get to his room first, take a shower and go search for Moonjo. He wondered if he was already in his room, waiting for him. Was he also nervous like him? Was he calm? His mind was filled with so many questions, but only when he confronted the older man he will have his answers.

When he finally got to his level, Jongwoo walked quickly towards his room at the end of the corridor, but when he passed Moonjo's door, it opened and a firm hand grabbed him, pulling him inside. Jongwoo wanted to scream, but a hand covered his mouth, hearing a shhh next to his ear. If it weren't for the familiar watch on his wrist, Jongwoo would have never thought it was Moonjo. Aside from this was his room. And the smell of his perfume. And those long and pale fingers pressed against his mouth. Why does this man make his heart run like a crazy dog after a car?!

He saw Moonjo close the door with his free hand, locking it. It seemed like a normal action, but goddamn it, it looked hot when he did it. WAS HE REALLY THAT TURNED ON BY THE DENTIST?! He only thanked God the man couldn't read minds, because he would have to move to another country to not see his face EVER again.

"No running away, darling. I told you, didn't I? In the parking lot..." the other said, putting his hand on Jongwoo's chest, unbuttoning his jacket. "That I will devour you today, right darling?"

Jongwoo didn't dare to speak, fearing his voice wouldn't cooperate. He nodded, slowly, relaxing his body. As if Moonjo felt it, he helped him get rid of his work bag, letting it land softly on the ground. Jongwoo couldn't care less if he had thrown it away as if it was a useless piece of paper, but the way Moonjo was moving so slowly irritated him. Maybe it was because he's been over three hours containing his bulging cock in his pants, or maybe it was he couldn't wait to see what the other man would do to him.

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