Chapter 24: Of When the Cat got into the Wolf's Gullet

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Moonjo had been actively trying to push his father away, but he failed miserably. The man wouldn't let him be, always coming with excuses or using appointments as a way to talk. The dentist tried to avoid it, but his father would always find a way to see him. He still brought him those weird cookies, and in the end, he always ate them. He couldn't explain why, but he always did. It was like a natural reaction for him now.

His relationship with Jongwoo had...decreased a bit, if he could describe it somehow. They talked as usual, but they stopped sleeping together. They did have meals, but he noticed how Jongwoo stopped talking about work. It was a weird dynamic, but he couldn't blame him. As much as he tried to control himself, each time Jongwoo was away from work, his jealousy and wrath took control of his mind, and as much as he tried not to think badly of his darling...It was becoming harder not to think that editor could be after Jongwoo.

His paranoia grew stronger, and he could see how much it was affecting his relationship with Jongwoo. He still composed himself, bottling up inside of his head all those dark thoughts, and kept his mouth shut when he felt the need to scream at him, even if Jongwoo hadn't done nothing to deserve such thing. As much as he wanted to scream and keep the writer by his side, he controlled himself.

So much so, he started to act colder to his boyfriend. Moonjo wished he could go back to normal, but he couldn't be sure he would be able to control himself. Jongwoo didn't say it out loud, but he kept suggesting to go to a specialist for his behavior, sometimes even telling him to go to his father. After all, his doctor suggested his father, even before they met. But the dentist would rather die than ask for help, especially that man who claimed to be his father. NEVER.

In conclusion, they were in some kind of break from each other. It would be nice change, and they could figure things out. They still talked to each other and had meals together, but that was it. They were back as if they were roommates, and...Moonjo felt lonely again. He had Jongwoo with him, was as if he was miles away.

The conversation they had long ago was still stuck on his mind, replaying like an old record. Jongwoo was right, both of them changed, but they couldn't notice because they never got to discover how they were before they started dating. It's as if they decided to discard everything they were behind them and started with a blank canvas. Moonjo thought that would be best, but...Once again, he was reminded on how he wasn't careful enough. After leaving the studio, he had stopped being careful, and changed his behavior completely for Jongwoo and his brother, so this was what he got in return.

But today was a shitty day. First, the second dentist who usually came on evenings called in sick at last minute, meaning he would work all day. He had planned to go talk with Jongwoo during lunch, and now it was ruined. Then, Satan had decided today would be an amazing day to destroy his jacket, and he had to find another, causing him to be late for work. And then, this.

He had gone for coffee during his thirty minute break, and lo and behold, his father was in the coffee shop in front of his clinic. He wanted to turn around, but it was too late. The man caught him before he could go back, and now was stuck having coffee with him. His father kept talking to him, but Moonjo just nodded and gave a few words, barely listening to what he was saying. He wasn't sure why this man kept bugging him, and wondered if he was also after Byungsoo. He still didn't tell his brother he met their father, scared he would get hurt. Even so, he wasn't interested in forming a relationship with him, so it didn't matter anyway.

Like every time they met, his father gave him another bag of those strange cookies, and, as always, he ended up eating them as if nothing mattered. He even ignored the piece of cake his father bought him, but he wasn't planning on eating it before, so it didn't matter. Moonjo scanned his father, a cold shiver running down his spine. He understood why Yeongmin said he was a copy of his father. His father and he shared similar traits, but he didn't meant physically, but in attitude and mannerism. He wasn't sure if it was due to his memory loss, but Moonjo couldn't exactly understand how they shared so much similarity.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now