Chapter 8: Of When the Wolf Started to Tremble

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That night had been quite nice, Jongwoo had to admit it. Moonjo's brother, Byungsoo, was a very interesting man. He was totally opposite from Moonjo, always with a big warm smile plastered on his lips, he was cheerful which made it easier to talk with him. was better when he saw the look of happiness Moonjo had on his face while Byungsoo talked with him.

He was seeing a new Moonjo, a different person. This Moonjo laughed more, he showed his true feelings, let the walls fall down as if it was a simple curtain. Jongwoo had to admit he was a bit jealous, a part of him wanted to be the cause of that vulnerability, but he was really happy. He liked to see him like this. Being outside the studio was better, it was safer, he would say.

The studio was a black hole full of toxicity, the people inside was pure black evilness. He didn't like it, but he couldn't go nowhere else. But Jongwoo could see it too, Moonjo had started to look more wary in the studio too. He had been avoiding Miss Eom a lot, and the rest of the tenants. It was like he was...escaping from them. Maybe he was paranoid, but what else could it be? Jongwoo had no other idea, to be honest.

But aside from that, the writer liked to be around with Moonjo even more. Long they were gone the days he was creeped out by him, and Jongwoo had started to want a more intimate relationship with the man. He was interesting in his own way, and, to be honest, they had more in common than he could ever imagine. And he could be more like himself...Finally.

"Jongwoo? Are you ok?"

The younger looked up from his drink, looking at both twins, who were just watching him, a bit amused. It was weird.

"Sorry, I-I was distracted. What is it, Moonjo-?"

"Ah, it was me who asked. The handsome Byungsoo!" the left twin said, chuckling. He took a sip of his beer, calmly, "I was asking what kind of novel you write. Moon told me you write, don't you?"

"Oh... I do! I write crime, well, at least I try. I'm no author yet..."

"Don't listen to him, he is just shy. Also, who told you you're the handsome one?"

"Am I not? The oldest always gets the better genetics"

"Exactly, and that's me. I'm the oldest, therefore I'm the handsome one"

Moonjo smirked, he had teased people before trying to get a certain reaction from them, but with Byungsoo, HIS BROTHER... He just did it for fun. He loved to see his shocked face, his smile, and his pouty lips or how he tried to act angry...He wondered if he could do the same expressions as him.

"I umm... Gonna pretend you just didn't say that. I'm definitely the oldest. And the prettiest" Byungsoo said, winking at Jongwoo, who snorted and covered his face, trying not to laugh. Moonjo just rolled his eyes, "Either way, I want to know about your novel! I mean, a little spoiler before it gets published. Then I will brag to my friends I knew famous Yun Jongwoo when he started his career"

"You sure do have a lot of faith in my writing skills. We barely know each other!" Jongwoo smiled and blushed softly.

"Well, from what I heard from Moonjo, you do have lots of potential and how handsome-"

Byungsoo didn't continue, for his twin had forced a piece of dumpling in his mouth. Jongwoo was shocked but smiled even more, sipping his drink. He wasn't this happy because of the compliment from Byungsoo, no. He was, but it wasn't the source of his happiness.

Moonjo had talked about him to his newly found brother.

Of all the things, from the million topics or questions or whatever the hell siblings would talk about...He had been one of the topics. It made him feel special...He didn't know why, and sometimes he wondered why he felt like this with this man he barely knew. Jongwoo couldn't pinpoint yet, but he knew he would soon discover what drew him to Moonjo.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now