Chapter 16: Of the Forgotten Forest and the Wolf

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Doctor Jung Gukjae is the best psychiatrist on his field. He rarely accepts new patients, even less when he is writing a new book, but I asked him person ally to consider your case, Mister Seo. We are concerned your anxiety will be more severe if you're treated by someone at the hospital, seeing your short stay here had caused you such distress. We do want to help, but we cannot climb the walls you've put between us and you. I believe Doctor Jung will be your best option. He'll be waiting for you to arrange a meeting with him. He was willing to let you visit him even after his working hours. Please, for your own good, consider visiting him. Good luck.

Moonjo sighed as he read again the e-mail from his doctor. He had spent over a week in the hospital, having constant visits from doctors and nurses. It was true he was more scared and nervous when they came to visit him. It was too much to him that he had to ask for the voluntary discharge as soon as he was allowed to leave. He only wanted to be with Jongwoo, in their home, to relax and get some good rest. That was all. He didn't need a psychiatrist, he didn't have...whatever that stupid doctor had said!

But then Jongwoo asked him, convincing him to just try it out. As much as he liked his adorable darling giving him so much attention, he hated how stressed he looked. A good side of being sick is Jongwoo now was more willing to sleep with him. He had also went to search for him after work, or even went to visit him during breaks. He told him it wasn't necessary, but it did felt nice to see his face more often during the day.

Just the other day, Moonjo decided to leave work an hour before his work shift ended, and went to pick up Jongwoo from his work to go out with him. He had planned to go have some drinks with him, maybe have dinner out today. He just wanted to spend time with him, to try to gain back some normality back into his routine. He didn't expect to find Ms. Eom outside his clinic, waiting for him. He frowned, confused, but he had two options: leave her there, or find out what she wanted. The first option was really tempting, He wanted to see Jongwoo, and seeing her was just a stone on his path.

"You could say 'hello' at least, you ungrateful child" Ms. Eom said, coming closer to him. Moonjo closed his eyes and took a deep breath, staying still. She got closer, and Moonjo let her. "It's been a while, Moonjo. How have you been?"

"...Hello, Miss Eom. I've been good. At least until you appeared", he looked at her, trying to stay calm. She just laughed, reaching to touch his arm, but he pulled away, taking a step away. "Don't touch me, please"

"Oh my, this kid...I raised you, you know-"

"Yes, that's the line you always use. But I'm starting to have doubts, Miss Eom. Did you really raise me?"

"What? Oh, is this about your brother? Because I'm here to talk about him. Well, at least about someone related to him"

"Who are you talking about?"

"One of your nieces, the weird one, the one with the American face. She keeps coming to my studio. One of the twins lets her in when I don't see them. She's a really weird girl, I tell you"

"...Why? What did she do to say that?" Moonjo had to admit he didn't care about Federica, but...curiosity was stranger.

"It's weird, because I didn't expect her to come so often. She's polite, and she mostly just stay plays her violin on the rooftop. It's a nice touch and people like it, but it draws lot of attention to the studio now. Such a shame..." she chuckled, taking her phone. "But you know what the weird thing is?"


"She keeps trying to get on the fourth floor"

Moonjo kept his glare on the woman, in silence. He didn't know what she was trying to get with this, but he wasn't going to give in. She always did this, always playing with him. He wasn't a saint, but she wasn't a good person either. But she had always seen him like a play thing, like a puppy she was training to entertain her, to follow her, to obey her. But he wasn't going to be under her control anymore.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now